Membership Number Protection and Fraud Awareness

2024-12-04T10:28:10-07:00December 4th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Your CMMOTA membership number is that thing which identifies you as a legitimate therapist to the various Health Care Insurance companies. When it is included on a receipt it provides the companies with the information that they need to reimburse your client. Protecting that number is incredibly important, as it may be used in a fraudulent way should it fall into scrupulous hands. So how do you protect your number? First, make sure that you do not use your number in any advertising. Don’t post it on Facebook, or other social media accounts. Don’t put it on your business cards. Don’t [...]

Submit Your Continuing Education Certificates ‘Cause It’s Important!

2024-12-04T08:54:38-07:00December 3rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Do you have continuing education certificates that you have never submitted to the Association? We want to make you aware that it is incredibly important to provide all your continuing education certificates to us even if you do not need the Continuing Education Credits. Why? The reason why it is important, is because it triggers getting those courses being sent to the insurer for approval/recognition, which in turn, if the course is accepted as sufficient to allow you to practice a modality, then that modality can be added to your insurance dossier. Without having prior approval from the professional liability insurance [...]

December 2, 2024 Membership Policy & Procedure Handbook Update

2024-11-28T13:45:16-07:00November 28th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

DECEMBER 2, 2024 MEMBERS POLICY AND PROCEDURE HANDBOOK UPDATE Here is the link to the November 7, 2024 Edition of the Members Policy and Procedure Handbook Below we have outlined changes and additions or deletions to our policy handbook since the September 20, 2024 Edition. All of the changes in these policies are policy amendments or new policy additions which were approved at the November 7, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting. All Policy changes contained within this edition of the member handbook will come into effect today, December 2, 2024. The Board has adopted the following Associations Documents: CMMOTA Code of [...]

Find-A-Therapist – Are You Listed

2024-11-28T13:31:47-07:00November 27th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Over the last couple of months if you have been surfing Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn you have likely noticed an image like this pop up on your screen? Did you know that as an Association we actively promote the CMMOTA Find-A-Therapist page? We do – in fact in the first 9 months of 2024 more than 36000 people on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn have viewed a post like this. The question is – can those who then click through to the website find your information? The answer is “that depends”. We know that there are some members that want their business [...]

Sharing Booking & Record Keeping Software

2024-12-04T08:48:56-07:00November 8th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

After receiving multiple enquiries from members surrounding the sharing of booking/recordkeeping software, we thought that it would be prudent to provide a couple of points that those considering doing something like this should consider. First, and probably the most important is consideration of PIPEDA and HIPA legislation. Your client’s file which of course includes treatment information and personal information should not be shared without having a signed written agreement from the client that allows for the sharing of information contained in their file with those who would have access to it. This principle applies anytime that you would have multiple individuals [...]

How to Access Past CMMOTA Info Sessions

2024-10-17T13:14:49-06:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

So you want to know how you can access past CMMOTA Info Session recordings! We are glad to share how you can access this valuable information that is available for free for all CMMOTA members. STEP 1: You need to login to your membership profile. You can get this process started by clicking on this link ( STEP 2: Once you have successfully entered your login information the next step will depend on whether you are on a computer or a tablet or mobile device. For those on a Computer, locate the grey bar on the left side of your screen [...]

Membership Requirements and Professional Responsibility

2024-10-17T12:42:35-06:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

It’s a term that makes the blood of some run cold, for others it is no big deal.  The acronym commonly used is DTR.  It comes up in every relationship sooner or later and seeing as we are coming close to the end of the third year of the CEC cycle and the final AGM of the cycle, we thought that perhaps now would be a good time to bring some clarity for our members.  It is time for us to define the relationship. As an association we view all our members as professionals.  In order to achieve associate or full [...]

What Suspension Means and Why You Don’t Want to Be Suspended

2024-10-17T12:35:20-06:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

We all know that there are membership requirements that CMMOTA members are responsible to meet. These include keeping your Standard First Aid and Level “C” CPR certification up to date, keeping your Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) information current, and to provide new VSC information to the association prior to the 3-year anniversary of your previous VSC (or more often if you practice in Nova Scotia) and completing your CEC requirements before the end of the current CEC Cycle (December 31, 2024 is approaching fast!!). It also includes making sure that you pay your membership and insurance renewal fees before the December [...]

Legal Guard – CMMOTA Member Access to Legal Advice

2024-12-11T16:56:29-07:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Legal Guard® Information Service is a support that is provided to CMMOTA members through the professional liability insurance package that is obtained through our CMMOTA insurance broker. Legal Guard® provides the following services: 24/7 telephone access to a legal information service for questions you have relating to your business Unlimited access – use the service as often as you want Legal information will be provided by qualified lawyers in response to your questions If you need full legal representation or advice, a referral to a local lawyer can be arranged at preferred rates. So, the next time that you have a [...]

It’s that Season Again: 2025 Steps to Renewal

2024-10-03T14:19:25-06:00October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

The renewal deadline for 2025 Membership is December 31, 2024.  There are five things that you need to do this year in order to complete the renewal process:   Pay your membership fees to the Association. Fees for membership renewal will be sent to your email inbox by October 15, 2024.     2025 Membership Renewal Invoices will be delivered to all members via email before October 15, 2024. Members whose membership activation date is between October 15, 2024 and December 31, 2024 will not receive a membership renewal invoice, as your 2025 membership fees were required to be paid when joining [...]

2025 Membership Renewal Fees set by the Board of Directors

2024-10-03T15:48:37-06:00October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

On September 19, 2024, the Board of Directors established the 2025 Membership Renewal Fees. These fees include both the Annual Membership + the basic Professional Liability Insurance Renewal. For those members who live in Quebec please note that your renewal invoice will not include the insurance renewal premium as members in those provinces must pay their premiums directly to their insurance provider.  Here are the renewal fees for 2025: 2025 Membership Renewal Fees (includes cost of base professional liability insurance) Membership Type Cost (Membership fee + insurance fee) Student Massage Therapist with Optional Insurance $112 ($0 + $112) Student Manual Osteopathic [...]

Buyer’s Beware! – Things to Know about CEC Courses

2024-12-11T17:16:13-07:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

As we enter the first year of our CEC cycle, we know that many of you are gearing up to get your CEC’s completed well before the December 31, 2027 deadline. As you look for new continuing education opportunities, we do want to make you aware of a couple of trends that we have noticed regarding course offerings that are available, and to provide you with an easy way to find out if a course has previously been approved for CECs by CMMOTA. First, for those who are taking courses which originate outside of Canada, you need to be aware that [...]

Where Can I Find It Again?

2024-11-28T12:19:21-07:00September 21st, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Have you ever wondered where you can find things like back issues of the Knead to Know, or editable word documents for sample forms contained in the appendices of the Membership Policy and Procedure Handbook, or…? The answer - CMMOTA Resources, which is part of your membership profile, and the content contained there continues to grow! In addition to links to back issues of the CMMOTA Knead to Know, we have added additional resources for our members, including things like modality definitions, commonly sought out policy documents, common editable samples of forms like client intake or treatment notes, partner perks information, [...]

Submit Your Continuing Education Certificates ‘cause It’s Important!

2024-11-28T12:28:45-07:00September 5th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Do you have continuing education certificates that you have never submitted to the Association? We want to make you aware that it is incredibly important to provide all your continuing education certificates to us even if you do not need the Continuing Education Credits. Why? The reason why it is important, is because it triggers getting those courses being sent to the insurer for approval/recognition, which in turn, if the course is accepted as sufficient to allow you to practice a modality, then that modality can be added to your insurance dossier.Without having prior approval from the professional liability insurance company [...]

Is Your Business Info Up to Date?

2024-11-28T12:56:58-07:00September 5th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

We understand that life often changes, and that one of those changes that many experience is a change in your workplace. Whether you have recently changed workplaces, or perhaps added a new location that you are providing treatment from, it is incredibly important to remember to share that information. First – If you provide direct billing services it is important to register any new treatment locations with the various direct billing portals. Likewise, if you are no longer providing treatments from a place, it is important to have those portals remove that information as well, as a method of fraud prevention. [...]

CEC CYCLE ENDING!!! Are Your CEC’s Completed?

2024-08-30T15:08:22-06:00August 30th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

December 31, 2024 is the last day of the current 3 year CEC Cycle, which means that as a member, you need to have completed your required CEC’s by then and have them registered with the office.  Failure to meet this requirement will result in suspension and possible cancellation of your membership. If you need to answer the question “How many CEC’s do I have?” You can find that information on your Membership Profile Portal on the CMMOTA website (  Once you have logged into your profile, if you are on a mobile device, such as your cell phone, you will [...]

Defining Billing Privileges, Direct Billing, Online Billing, and Receipt Submission

2024-11-29T13:28:57-07:00August 15th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Over the years, we have had a few questions surrounding billing privileges, direct billing, online billing, and receipt submissions. As this is an incredibly important part of having a successful massage therapy/manual osteopathic practice, and as fraud can have a long lasting impact on a therapist, this information is meant to make you aware of the definitions of each of these phrases, what they mean to your practice, and how you can prevent being the victim of fraudulent acts committed on your behalf, which you could be monetarily liable for should they occur. Let’s start by defining each of these phrases. [...]

Promotional Email – Unsubscribe/Resubscribe

2024-11-27T09:34:17-07:00August 15th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

We want to let our members know that we can take you off the email list for Promotional emails, if that is your desire. What that will mean is that you will not receive information about upcoming CMMOTA course offerings, or emails about partner perks. You can do this by sending an email to with unsubscribe in the subject line. Please keep in mind that you will continue to receive emails regarding member information, such as important Information Bulletins, our weekly CMMOTA Knead to Know newsletters, Membership Renewal Reminders, Insurance Renewal Reminders, First Aid Renewal Reminders, or Vulnerable Sector [...]

How do I Upgrade my Membership to Full?

2024-08-27T15:01:47-06:00August 6th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

As a reminder, you have 60 days from the date that your program was  completed to submit the required documents. Failure to do so will result in  your membership being suspended.   We require the following:  - a copy of your diploma (a letter from your educational institution stating  that you have successfully completed your program if convocation is held  later)   - a copy of your transcript (unofficial is fine until marks are released)   - a copy of your valid Standard First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.  Once your school issues your diploma and official transcripts we need them  on file if you had not [...]

Tips When Starting Your New Business

2024-08-27T15:02:21-06:00July 23rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

You will want to contact the city or town office you are residing in to see if   your city requires a business license.  o If you are located in the City of Edmonton, please click here to  view our Information Bulletin regarding the City Of Edmonton   Online Licensing And Renewal For Health Enhancement  Practitioners.  You will also want to share with us your new business location and business name so that we can add that information into your membership profile. Remember this business information is available to the public  when searched up on Find a Therapist  You will also want to update any insurance [...]

I may be moving to a Regulated Province. What Can I Expect?

2024-08-27T15:02:40-06:00July 23rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

We currently have members that practice in all provinces through Canada.  Our members enjoy the freedom of traveling and working within non  regulated provinces throughout Canada. This removes the hassle of joining new associations in each province.  Your malpractice and liability insurance covers you to work in regulated  provinces such as Ontario, but your clients cannot submit receipts for   reimbursement. The registration number that our members receive can also be used for third party billing with insurance companies so clients can have   their treatments reimbursed. This is the case for non-regulated provinces. In regulated provinces, the insurance companies go off of the college registry   for insurance [...]


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