We understand that life often changes, and that one of those changes that many experience is a change in your workplace. Whether you have recently changed workplaces, or perhaps added a new location that you are providing treatment from, it is incredibly important to remember to share that information.
First – If you provide direct billing services it is important to register any new treatment locations with the various direct billing portals. Likewise, if you are no longer providing treatments from a place, it is important to have those portals remove that information as well, as a method of fraud prevention.
Second – Did you know that part of your membership profile contains the option to add your business information. CMMOTA has recently made changes to the membership profiles so that you can now add multiple business locations and can select which one will automatically show up on the Find-a-Therapist page. If you have more than one workplace you can also designate one location as your Primary Business. Not only that, but you can now add a bio that will show on the website. These options can be found under your Personal Information. There is also the option to have your business info to be blank, if for some reason you do not want anyone to know where you work, or if you are no longer taking any new clients (congratulations to you if your client list is full!!!). Providing all of your business information on your profile will also allow that information to be shared with insurance companies who may be looking to verify your information through the Association. So if it has been a while since you updated this portion of your profile, we would encourage you to sign in through the membership portal and have a look around, and update that information!
If you have any questions when it comes to updating your business information, either on the membership portal, or through the direct billing portals, please feel free to contact the office at info@cmmota.com for assistance.