Image containing answer of What is Manual Osteopathic Therapy.

What is Manual Osteopathic Therapy?

Answer: Manual Osteopathic Therapy is a gentle non-invasive hands-on therapy that focuses on bringing the body’s structure and function back to a state of whole-body optimal health. Through extensive intake notes and various hands-on assessments dysfunctional patterns are recognized that reside in the body causing structural and functional disruptions that may present as pain or dis-ease in the body. These disruptions are treated through various techniques. These may include Muscle Energy Techniques to balance musculoskeletal restrictions (skeletal and muscle), joint and fascial mobilizations aiding in releasing “stuck joints” by engaging with soft tissues and fascial manipulation that help increase range of motion along with Myofascial remodeling that allows the release of fascial restriction/adhesion to increase circulation. Lymphatic techniques aid to enhancing fluid flow releasing congested toxic areas to improve immunity and Cranial Sacral techniques to improve the Primary Respiratory Mechanism which includes mobility of cranial bones, skeletal structures, meninges (connective tissues), central nervous system and circulation of all fluids. Visceral techniques aid in increasing mobility and motility (function) of the organs of the body.

The goal of Manual Osteopathic Therapy is to restore health and balance by assessing and treating the imbalances that reside within the structures and functions of the body having an appreciation that the body works as a single unit, the body has an innate ability to heal itself, the musculoskeletal structures impacts function and the body has self-governing means.

What is the difference between an “Osteopath” and “Manual Osteopathic Therapist or Osteopathic Manual Therapist or Osteopathic Manual Practitioner”?

Answer: This depends on the specific province/territory in which a therapist is practicing.

In the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario the term “Osteopath” is a protected title and refers to a Medical Doctor that has specialized training in Osteopathic Therapy. In these 4 provinces the title is protected by their respective College of Physicians and Surgeons. There are currently no schools in Canada that provide this specialized training, rather most of these Medical Osteopaths are trained in the United States. In these provinces those trained in osteopathic manual therapy are referred to as Manual Osteopathic Therapists, Osteopathic Manual Therapists, or Osteopathic Manual Practitioners. These therapists are non-physicians who have been trained in a specialized school of Manual Osteopathic Therapy.

In the remaining provinces and territories in Canada, the terms Osteopath, Manual Osteopathic Therapist, Osteopathic Manual Therapist or Osteopathic Manual practitioners are interchangeable, as no title protection exists. Those who are Medical (Physician) Osteopaths will often use this language to describe themselves, leaving the other titles listed above to those who have been trained in the classic osteopathic manual therapy, either here in Canada or elsewhere around the globe.

In this respect, in accordance with the World Health Organization’s Benchmarks for Training in Osteopathy there are 2 different pathways to obtaining training to become a Manual Osteopathic Therapist.

The first training program – which is referred to as Type 1 – is “aimed at those with little or no prior health-care training, but who have completed high school education or equivalent. These programs typically are four-year, full-time programs. A typical type 1 program would take 4200 hours, including at least 1000 hours of supervised clinical practice and training.”

The second training program – which is referred to as Type 2 – is “aimed at those with prior training as health-care professionals. Type 2 programs have the same aims and content as the Type 1 programs, but the course content and length may be modified depending on the prior experience and training of individual applicants.” This program is typically around 1000 hours in length and is adapted depending on the individual’s prior training and knowledge.

Either pathway leads to the therapist having the same set of professional competencies. In that respect there is no difference between a Type 1 or Type 2 therapist.

You can view the entire World Health Organization Document – Benchmarks for Training in Osteopathy by visiting here:

What is the difference in Canada between a 4-5-year Manual Osteopathic program and a 1–2-year/ Manual Osteopathic Therapy program?

Answer: The primary difference is in the “type” of benchmark that the programs are trying to attain.

Most of the 4 to 5 years schools have been started by Osteopathic Therapists that have been trained and emigrated from Europe, Australia, or Asian countries where the training is 4 to 5 years. In Canada, Massage Therapists, Nurses, Physiotherapists, etc. go through rigorous training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc. whereas most other places in the world, and even in the United States, the requirements for training in other non-physician health care related fields are much lower. It is with this preconceived idea of lower training levels that many of these Canadian schools approach the requirement to have a 4 to 5-year program, as such based on a Type 1 WHO model.

Those schools who have a condensed model (1-2 years) are the ones who base their curriculum and program using a Type 2 WHO model. As such these schools are responsible for requiring that the individual taking Manual Osteopathic Therapy within their program to have prior experience in the health-care industry(ies) which is sufficient to ensure that the therapist, once completed their program would have the same level of competencies that a Type 1 WHO modeled therapist would have.

Image containing answer of the requirements for MOT with CMMOTA.What are the educational requirements for Manual Osteopathic Therapists with CMMOTA? What is the minimum length of time that would be considered acceptable training?

Answer: The benchmark for Manual Osteopathic Therapists has already been set by The World Health Organization. You can find it here –

In specific regard to our organization’s acceptance of Manual Osteopathic Therapists, all MOT members must have either completed a Type 1 program with a minimum of 4200 hours of instruction including 1000 hours of supervised practicum training from an approved school OR have completed a Type 2 program with a minimum of 1000 hours of instruction at an approved school. Additionally for those graduates of a Type 2 program, the Association requires a completed PLAR (prior learning assessment and recognition) to ensure that the therapist meets or exceeds the educational requirements to be considered at the same competency level as that of a Type 1 graduate.

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