As we enter the first year of our CEC cycle, we know that many of you are gearing up to get your CEC’s completed well before the December 31, 2027 deadline. As you look for new continuing education opportunities, we do want to make you aware of a couple of trends that we have noticed regarding course offerings that are available, and to provide you with an easy way to find out if a course has previously been approved for CECs by CMMOTA.
First, for those who are taking courses which originate outside of Canada, you need to be aware that some of these courses are covering techniques that are out of scope. While this is not as big a deal for CEC recognition, it is a very big deal if you want to obtain insurance to practice a modality or technique under your professional liability insurance. We have noticed that more and more courses taken outside of the country are being rejected by the professional liability insurance provider because a course is teaching elements that fall outside the scope of practice, both in massage therapy practice, and manual osteopathic therapy practice.
Second, as we have reported to you before, some online courses are not sufficient in order for the professional liability insurance company to provide coverage for a modality or technique. If this is a concern for you, please check with us BEFORE you take your course.
Finally, here are some very easy steps that you can take to find out if a course you are interested in has been previously approved for CECs by CMMOTA. Start by logging into your membership profile on the CMMOTA website. Once you have logged in, click on the “CEC Courses” link on the menu (grey bar if on a computer, three bars at top of page if on a phone or tablet). Once this page is opened you simply type the name of the course in the search bar and look through the results.
If you have specific questions about whether a course that you want to take meets the professional liability insurance providers requirements for training that sufficient for practice, or to know what kind of credits you may obtain by taking a course that is not listed on the website, we would encourage you to contact the office at