Do you have continuing education certificates that you have never submitted to the Association? We want to make you aware that it is incredibly important to provide all your continuing education certificates to us even if you do not need the Continuing Education Credits. Why? The reason why it is important, is because it triggers getting those courses being sent to the insurer for approval/recognition, which in turn, if the course is accepted as sufficient to allow you to practice a modality, then that modality can be added to your insurance dossier.

Without having prior approval from the professional liability insurance company for the practice of a modality, it is possible that a professional liability claim made against you may be denied, and that you may become personally liable for any judgement made against you in a civil lawsuit. So, if you haven’t submitted that course certificate to us yet, please don’t delay – get it sent today!

You can submit your documents one of two ways, either through your membership portal or directly by email to