Have you ever wondered where you can find things like back issues of the Knead to Know, or editable word documents for sample forms contained in the appendices of the Membership Policy and Procedure Handbook, or…? The answer – CMMOTA Resources, which is part of your membership profile, and the content contained there continues to grow!

In addition to links to back issues of the CMMOTA Knead to Know, we have added additional resources for our members, including things like modality definitions, commonly sought out policy documents, common editable samples of forms like client intake or treatment notes, partner perks information, AGM Q&A’s and much much more! We know that the information found here will continue to grow!

Accessing this is as easy as signing into your membership profile by clicking here. Once you have logged into your membership profile, scroll down on the left side of your screen to find the resources button and click there to access all this incredibly valuable information.

Another way you may be able to find what you are looking for is to access the Search feature included on the CMMOTA Website. If you are on a computer this is the little magnifying glass in the top right-hand corner – click on it to open a text box where you can type in a key word. For example, let’s say that you were looking for articles included in Sunday News about the shoulder – you could type in the word shoulder, hit the enter button and every page where the word appears on the website populates into your screen. If you are on a mobile device or tablet in the top right-hand corner, there are three bars. If you click on these it will open a menu. At the top of the menu is “Search Page.” Click there to open the search feature – on the bottom of the page there is a search bar where you can enter whatever you are searching for.

If, after you have looked in either of these two spots you still can’t find what you’re looking for, send an e-mail to the office at info@cmmota.com and a member of our Team will be happy to assist you!