Membership Cancellation Policy

2025-01-10T15:10:19-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish guidelines and expectations for administration and members surrounding the cancellation of membership. Policy: 1. There are two different types of membership cancellation: a. Voluntary Withdrawal of Membership i. This is detailed in the CMMOTA Member Initiated Membership Cancellation Policy b. Cancellation as a result of Disciplinary Action 2. When a membership is cancelled voluntarily, no membership cancellation notice shall be sent. 3. When a membership is cancelled because of disciplinary action, a membership cancellation notice shall be sent by Administration to the member to the last known email address of the member within two business days and [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification Policy

2025-01-08T18:13:57-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification as outlined in CMMOTA Bylaws,,,,,, 3.7.1., and 3.7.3.. Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification.2. Full Massage Therapist Members, Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members, Registered Massage Therapist Members, and Spa Therapist Members are responsible to maintain valid Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR certification from a recognized Canadian Training [...]

Membership Reinstatement Policy

2025-01-10T16:23:04-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To provide policy and procedure surrounding Membership Reinstatement in Accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.7.. Policy1. A former Member may apply for membership reinstatement under the following circumstances:a. A former Member who voluntarily cancelled their membership and informed the Association in writing of the date of the cancellation in accordance with CMMOTA’s Member Initiated Membership Cancellation Policy and Procedure.b. A former Member who had their membership cancelled as a result of one of the following:i. Disciplinary Action which resulted in cancellation of membership, with a ban on membership for a given period of time.ii. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding Maintenance of Professional Liability Insurance Policy

2025-01-08T18:19:56-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding Membership Requirement to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance in accordance with CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Maintenance of Valid Professional Liability Insurance Policy and CMMOTA Bylaw,,,,,, and Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, to cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding maintaining valid Professional Liability Insurance.2. Members, unless Inactive or Emeritus, are responsible to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance.3. The Association’s Insurance Broker shall supply a list of all members who have [...]

Membership Renewal Fee Approval Policy

2025-01-10T16:38:27-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To provide clear direction on the setting of Annual Membership Renewal Fees and what is to be included in the fee in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.3..Policy:1. Membership Renewal Fees shall include the costs for annual membership and the cost of the standard professional liability insurance for each category of membership.2. Membership Renewal Fees do not include additional insurance fees for optional modalities coverage that are available through the Association’s insurance broker. Additional insurance fees for optional modalities coverage shall be added to the member’s Renewal Invoice.3. If a member is required to obtain insurance from another broker outside of [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding Other Association Membership Policy

2025-01-08T18:26:20-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding other Massage Therapy or Manual Osteopathic Therapy association membership in regard to CMMOTA Bylaw,,,,,,,, and 3.7.1., and as outlined in CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy.Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance with CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy.2. All Members are responsible to be in compliance with CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy.3. If it is found that [...]

Membership Requirement – Annual General Meeting Attendance Policy

2025-01-10T17:06:31-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To establish a framework surrounding CMMOTA Bylaw,,, and, which stipulates the requirements for AGM attendance during a 3-year CEC cycle.Policy:1. Registered Massage Therapist, Full Massage Therapist, Spa Therapist and Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist members are responsible to attend at least one Annual General Meeting (AGM) during every three-year Continuing Education Credit (CEC) cycle. During this period of time, it is the responsibility of each Registered Massage Therapist, Full Massage Therapist, Spa Therapist and Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist member to attend a minimum of one (1) AGM, or to pay a fee-in-lieu as prescribed in CMMOTA Bylaw [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding Payment of Membership Fees Policy

2025-01-08T18:30:55-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding Payment of Membership Fees in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaws 3.3.,, 3.7.1., and 3.7.3..Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to impose Administrative Fees to process renewals past the deadline as described in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule, to suspend, and if necessary, to cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding Payment of Membership Fees.2. Members are responsible to pay membership fees on an annual basis on or before the deadline set out by the Board of Directors.3. If a Member does not submit payment [...]

Membership Requirement – Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification Policy

2025-01-10T18:54:56-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish policy and procedure surrounding the Membership Requirement to maintain valid Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR certification in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,, and Policy: 1. Full Massage Therapist Members, Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members, Registered Massage Therapist Members, and Spa Therapist Members are responsible to maintain a valid Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification as defined in CSA Standard Z1210-17, their equivalent, or more advanced level First Aid and CPR Certification at all times while they are a full Member of the Association. All other classes of Membership in the [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding RMT Proof of Regulatory College Membership/Registration Policy

2025-01-08T18:38:36-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding RMT Proof of Regulatory College Membership/Registration as outlined in CMMOTA Bylaws Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to change the membership type of a member following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding RMT Proof of Regulatory College Membership/Registration.2. Registered Massage Therapist members are responsible to provide proof of Regulatory College membership/registration in the jurisdiction in which they practice within 30 days of Regulatory College membership/registration renewal.3. Prior to the notice mentioned in item #4 of this policy, administration shall phone the member to warn them of [...]

Membership Requirement – Maintenance of Study Permit Work Permit Policy

2025-01-14T15:21:45-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish policy and procedure surrounding the Membership Requirement to maintain a valid study permit or a valid work permit if required as per CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,,,, and Policy: 1. All Members who are not Canadian Citizens, or Permanent Residents of Canada are responsible to maintain either a valid study permit or a valid work permit that has not expired. 2. A valid study permit must be accompanied by proof of a valid visitor visa (temporary resident visa) or an electronic travel authorization, which has been issued by the Government of [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding Study Permit and or Work Permit Requirements Policy

2025-01-08T18:42:28-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding the requirement for members who are not Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada to hold either a valid study permit or a valid work permit issued by the Government of Canada per CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,,,,, and 3.7.1..Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding study permit and/or work permit requirements.2. A Member who is not a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident of Canada [...]

Membership Requirement – Maintenance of Valid Professional Liability Insurance Policy

2025-01-14T15:33:07-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To establish policy and procedure surrounding the Membership Requirement to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,, and Policy:1. Full Massage Therapist Members, Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members, Associate Massage Therapist Members, Registered Massage Therapist Members, and Spa Therapist Members are required to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance through the Association’s insurance broker.2. Student Members are required to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance through their school, or through the Associations insurance broker.3. Notwithstanding item 1. and item 2. in some circumstances created by geographical or other restrictions, a member may [...]

Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding Submission of Annual Declaration Forms Policy

2025-01-08T18:46:33-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding submission of Annual Declaration Forms per CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and 3.7.1..Policy:1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding submission of Annual Declaration Forms.2. All Members are responsible to submit a completed CMMOTA Membership Annual Declaration Form by December 31st of each calendar year.3. If a Member does not submit a completed CMMOTA Membership Annual Declaration Form by December 31st of [...]

Membership Requirement – Membership Fee Payment Policy

2025-01-14T15:55:08-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To establish policy surrounding the Membership Requirement to pay membership fees in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.3.. Policy:1. Full Massage Therapist Members, Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members, Associate Massage Therapist Members, Registered Massage Therapist Members, Spa Therapist Members, Inactive Massage Therapist Members, and Inactive Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members are required to pay in advance on an annual basis Membership Renewal Fees as designated by the Association in accordance with the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.2. The Board of Directors shall, by motion, set Membership Renewal Fees for the next calendar year no later than September 30 and the Membership Fees shall be [...]

Duty to Report Abuse Policy

2025-01-09T10:04:35-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To provide guidance to members who through their clinical practice become aware of or suspect that an individual is experiencing some form of abuse.Policy:1. In Canada, it is mandatory to report the suspected abuse of a child. In Canada, a child is legally defined as a person under the age of 18 years of age, although this age may increase in provinces where the age of majority is higher. If a child discloses to you that they are being abused, it is mandatory for you to report this disclosure. If an adult discloses to you that they are abusing a [...]

Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy

2025-01-14T16:09:01-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To establish policy and procedure surrounding the Membership Requirement to belong to only one Association associated with each professional designation per CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,,, and Definitions: 1. “College” – meaning either the College of Complementary Health Professionals of BC, or the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario, or the College of Massage Therapists of Newfoundland and Labrador, or the College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick, or the College of Massage Therapists of Prince Edward Island. 2. “Manual Osteopathic Therapist Association” – means an association whose purpose it is to grant professional [...]

Education Requirements for Membership Policy

2025-01-09T10:16:18-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To provide additional clarification surrounding Educational Requirements for Membership as described in CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,,,,,, and Policy: 1. Educational credentials provided by a membership applicant, if possible, will be verified with the educational institution which issued them in accordance with CMMOTA’s Verification of Certificates and Documents Submitted by Members or Membership Applicants Policy. 2. Education Credentials will only be recognized if: a. CMMOTA deems the credentials to be authentic; and b. The institution either was recognized by CMMOTA on the date which the educational credentials were issued; or c. [...]

Membership Requirement – RMT Proof of Regulatory College Membership/Registration Policy

2025-01-14T16:14:05-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To establish policy surrounding the Membership Requirement for Registered Massage Therapist members to provide proof of active membership in good standing with the provincially legislated regulatory college for massage therapists within their jurisdiction of practice in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw Definition:• “Active Membership” – for this policy means that the member is registered and in good standing with the regulatory college for massage therapists within the jurisdiction of practicePolicy:1. Registered Massage Therapist members are responsible to maintain an active membership/registration in good standing with the provincially legislated College of Massage Therapy within the jurisdiction in which they practice.2. Registered [...]

21 Day Notice Policy

2024-12-19T15:25:13-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: • To assist the Board of Directors and Administration in preparing for the Annual General Meeting while meeting the requirements set forth in CMMOTA Bylaw 3.4.1., 3.4.2., and 5.3.3. Policy: 1. The Board of Directors shall, not less than 22 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, by motion: a. Set a date, time, and location for the Annual General Meeting; and b. Establish an invitation list; and c. Set acceptable methods of attendance; and d. Approve an Agenda; and e. Approve Audited Financial Statements from the Prior Fiscal Year for distribution; and f. Approve a list of nominee(s) together [...]

English Language Fluency Policy

2025-01-09T12:49:13-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose • To establish policy surrounding the requirement for English language fluency as a part of the requirements for membership with the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association (the Association) as described in CMMOTA Bylaw’s,,,,,,,, and Policy 1. All applicants must be able to speak and write English with reasonable fluency. Effective communication is essential for the provision of competent, safe, high quality Massage Therapy or Manual Osteopathic Therapy services. Language fluency enhances public protection by ensuring that members can communicate effectively with clients and other members of the health care [...]

Name Change Policy

2025-01-15T10:43:51-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To provide policy surrounding the request for a change of name for a member, and the documentation that will be required by the Association before granting such a request, and who will be notified when a change of name is approved.Policy:1. The professional name by which a member shall be recognized must match the name of the person on their supplied government issued documentation at the time that they joined the Association, as per CMMOTA Acceptable Forms of Government Issued Identification Policy.2. From time to time, if a member legally changes their name, they may wish to update their professional [...]

Board of Directors Nomination(s) Policy

2025-01-07T14:12:56-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose: To set the parameters for the call for nomination(s) for open Board of Directors positions as described in CMMOTA Bylaw 4.3., 4.4., 4.12.1., 5.3.2., 5.4.. Policy: 1. Members shall receive a notice for nomination(s) via electronic mail which shall include: a. a list of positions on the Board of Directors which are open for nomination, together with the length of the term, and with an attached nomination form and a copy of this policy and procedure. 2. The Notice of Nomination(s) shall be sent to the last known electronic mail address of each Member in good standing 60 days prior [...]

External Committee or Organization Appointment and Compensation Policy

2025-01-09T14:06:43-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To establish policy surrounding the appointment of members to serve on external committees, and to provide details surrounding compensation for participation in an external committee resulting from appointment to that committee, and to provide clarification on the rescindment of an external committee appointment.Policy:1. The Board may by motion appoint, with mutual consent, a member in good standing with the Association to serve on an external committee or organization.2. The Board may rescind, by motion, the appointment of any member serving on an external committee or organization. a. In such cases Administration shall inform the chair of the external committee or [...]

Retention of Copies of Government Issued Identification Policy

2025-01-15T14:25:57-07:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: Policy|

Purpose:• To provide clarification surrounding the retention of copies of Government Issued Identification provided by members, or membership applicants to the Association.Policy:1. Members, or membership applicants may be required from time to time to provide copies of Government issued identification for verification purposes, either in verifying their identity, their ability to study or work in Canada, or a change in identity. 2. Copies of Government Issued Identification are not to be stored electronically in any form.3. Copies of Government Issued Identification may be printed and stored as part of a member’s paper file.Original Date of Policy Adoption: May 10, 2021Date of [...]


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