
• To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding Membership Requirement to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance in accordance with CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Maintenance of Valid Professional Liability Insurance Policy and CMMOTA Bylaw,,,,,, and


1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, to cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding maintaining valid Professional Liability Insurance.

2. Members, unless Inactive or Emeritus, are responsible to maintain valid Professional Liability Insurance.

3. The Association’s Insurance Broker shall supply a list of all members who have renewed their Professional Liability Insurance Policies to CMMOTA on the first business day following January 1st. If a Member’s name is not on the list, and they were required to renew through the Associations Insurance Broker, then on the next business day of the Association following January 1st, their Membership shall be immediately suspended retroactively to January 1st, and the Member, and any appropriate third parties, shall be notified of the suspension to their last known email address. Administration shall be responsible to fulfill this policy point.

4. Where circumstances created by geographical or other restrictions, a Member is required to obtain their Professional Liability Insurance through another broker, if proof of maintenance of valid Professional Liability Insurance cannot be provided to Administration on or before the day of expiry of the Member’s current policy, then on the next business day of the Association, their Membership shall be immediately suspended retroactively to the day after the insurance certificate expired, and the Member, and any appropriate third parties, shall be notified of the suspension to their last known email address. Administration shall be responsible to fulfill this policy point.

5. Proof of Professional Liability Insurance shall be a certificate of insurance, or until a certificate has been provided to the member, a copy of receipt of payment for insurance purchased.

6. If an individual’s membership has been suspended, they shall have 14 days from the date of expiry of their Professional Liability Insurance policy to provide proof of Valid Professional Liability Insurance to the Association. They must not practice Massage Therapy, or Manual Osteopathic Therapy until their suspension has been lifted.

7. If a Member still does not provide proof of valid Professional Liability Insurance within 14 days from the date of expiry of their Professional Liability Insurance Policy, then the next business day of the Association, their membership shall be immediately cancelled retroactively to the day after their insurance certificate expired, and they shall be notified of the cancellation by phone, and to their last known email address. Administration shall be responsible to fulfill this policy point.

8. For a person whose membership has been cancelled to be eligible for reinstatement into the Association, proof of valid Professional Liability Insurance would be required before reinstatement would be considered in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 4.7.1..

9. If a Member is suspected of practicing Massage Therapy, or Manual Osteopathic Therapy without valid Professional Liability Insurance, the matter is to be referred to the Executive Director, who shall file a Complaint against the member in accordance with CMMOTA’s Discipline for Complaints Policy.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: October 19, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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