
• To provide policy and procedure surrounding Membership Reinstatement in Accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.7..


1. A former Member may apply for membership reinstatement under the following circumstances:

a. A former Member who voluntarily cancelled their membership and informed the Association in writing of the date of the cancellation in accordance with CMMOTA’s Member Initiated Membership Cancellation Policy and Procedure.

b. A former Member who had their membership cancelled as a result of one of the following:

i. Disciplinary Action which resulted in cancellation of membership, with a ban on membership for a given period of time.

ii. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership Requirement to Maintain Valid Professional Liability Insurance.

iii. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership Requirement to Maintain Valid Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification.

iv. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership Requirement to Pay Membership Fees.

v. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership Requirements to maintain a current Vulnerable Sector Check.

vi. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership Requirement for Continuing Education Requirements.

vii. Cancellation of membership for noncompliance with Membership Requirement for Annual General Meeting attendance or payment of Fee-in-Lieu.

2. A former Member who had their membership cancelled as a result of Disciplinary Action with a lifetime ban on membership shall not be eligible to apply for membership reinstatement.

3. The Board of Directors shall, by motion, set the amount of the Membership Reinstatement Fees to be included on the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.

4. Membership Reinstatement Fees, in accordance with the CMMOTA Fee Schedule, will apply to all former Members seeking reinstatement whose membership was cancelled in accordance with Membership Reinstatement Policy 1.b.i.-vii..

5. Membership Reinstatement Fees will not apply to former Members whose membership was cancelled in accordance with Membership Reinstatement Policy 1.a. and CMMOTA’s Member Initiated Membership Cancellation Policy and Procedure.

6. The Executive Director shall have the right to waive a Membership Reinstatement Fee at their discretion. If the Executive Director chooses to waive the fee, they shall note the reasons for the waiver in the Member’s file.

7. A former Member applying for reinstatement must fulfill the following requirements prior to reinstatement, in addition to the regular requirements for the membership class:

a. Pay all outstanding membership fees, or other owed fees, dues, charges, costs and/or expenses.

b. Fulfill any outstanding Intermediate First Aid and Level “C” CPR Certification requirements.

c. Fulfill any outstanding Vulnerable Sector Check Requirements.

d. Fulfill any outstanding CEC Requirements.

i. For credit to be granted to fulfill an outstanding CEC requirement the course must have been taken and completed after the start date for the CEC Cycle during which the credits were due. Courses taken before the CEC Cycle in which the credits were required will not be considered for CEC credit.

e. Fulfill any other outstanding requirements as may be contained in their previous membership file.

8. A former Member who applies to have their membership reinstated within 90 days of cancellation shall not have to pay a new membership fee if the membership fee was already paid in full for the current membership year. The former Member will be required to pay for a new professional liability insurance policy, directly to the insurance provider.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: October 19, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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