
• To establish Disciplinary Policy for non-compliance regarding other Massage Therapy or Manual Osteopathic Therapy association membership in regard to CMMOTA Bylaw,,,,,,,, and 3.7.1., and as outlined in CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy.


1. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance with CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy.

2. All Members are responsible to be in compliance with CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy.

3. If it is found that a member holds membership with another association (the same as their professional designation(s) of either Manual Osteopathic Therapy and/or Massage Therapy) that puts them into violation of CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy, their membership shall be immediately suspended, and the Member shall be notified of the suspension to their last known email address. In additional all necessary third parties will be notified of the membership suspension. Administration shall be responsible to fulfill this policy point.

4. The suspended member shall also be notified to their last known email address of their options to remedy this violation:

a. Cancel their membership with the other association within 30 days of the notice of suspension, and provide satisfactory confirmation of such; or

b. That their membership with the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association be voluntarily cancelled.

5. The suspended member shall notify CMMOTA of which option they wish to proceed with, and shall provide satisfactory confirmation if required, not less than 30 days from the date of suspension.

6. If a Member does not provide notification of which remedy option they wish to proceed with, as well as satisfactory confirmation if required, prior to end of the 30-day suspension period, then the next business day of the Association, their Membership shall be immediately cancelled, and they shall be notified of the cancellation by phone, and to their last known email address. In addition, all necessary third parties will be notified of the member’s cancellation. Administration shall be responsible to fulfill this policy point.

7. For a person whose membership has been cancelled to be eligible for reinstatement into the Association, confirmation that they no longer are a member of another professional association that would bring them into violation of CMMOTA’s Membership Requirement – Other Association Membership Policy by way of satisfactory confirmation, must be provided to the Association in advance of application for reinstatement in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.7.1..

Original Date of Policy Adoption: March 22, 2022

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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