- To set the parameters for the call for nomination(s) for open Board of Directors positions as described in CMMOTA Bylaw 4.3., 4.4., 4.12.1., 5.3.2., 5.4..
1. Members shall receive a notice for nomination(s) via electronic mail which shall include:
a. a list of positions on the Board of Directors which are open for nomination, together with the length of the term, and with an attached nomination form and a copy of this policy and procedure.
2. The Notice of Nomination(s) shall be sent to the last known electronic mail address of each Member in good standing 60 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
3. Any Member may submit a completed nomination form, on behalf of themselves, or another Member, provided the nominee meets the requirements for eligibility set out in CMMOTA Bylaw 4.4. and item 7 in this policy. The nomination should be submitted to Administration not later than 11:59 PM Mountain Time 30 days prior to the annual general meeting, by e-mail to the office of CMMOTA. The address for submission of nominations shall be included with the Notice of Nomination(s).
4. Any Member may nominate more than one person for any one position open for nomination.
5. A Member may nominate themselves.
6. In order to be considered a valid nomination, Administration will verify with both the nominee, and the nominator(s) that they have given their permission to be included on the form, and are willing to either put forward the name, or to let their name stand for a position.
7. In order to be nominated for a Board of Directors position, a Member must meet the criteria set out in CMMOTA Bylaw 4.4. which reads:
“4.4 Eligibility to Act as a Director
4.4.1. In order to be nominated, elected and act as a Director of the Association, the member must meet the following eligibility requirements: Hold a Registered Massage Therapist, Full Massage Therapist, Spa Therapist, Manual Osteopathic Therapist, or Member Emeritus Membership that is in good standing; and Will not result in the member holding more than one position on the Board; and Has not been convicted of an criminal offence pursuant to the Criminal Code (Canada) and is not presently charged with a sexual offence; and Is not a party to a consumer proposal or in bankruptcy pursuant to the Bankruptcy Act (Canada); and Will not conflict with the Election Cycle specified in Article 5.4.
4.4.2. In order to be nominated, and elected as President of the Association, the member must meet the additional following requirement: Must have served a minimum of 1 year as a member of the CMMOTA Board of Directors; or Must have prior board experience and has been a member of the Association in good standing for not less than 3 years; or Has been a member of the Association in good standing for not less than 5 years.”
8. Regarding CMMOTA Bylaw – this means that the length of term described in CMMOTA Bylaw 5.4. will not cause the Member to exceed the maximum of 6 consecutive years on the Board of Directors outline in CMMOTA Bylaw 4.3.2.
9. The Nomination form is attached to the Canadian Massage & Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association Policy and Procedure Handbook as Appendix 1.
10. Not less than 22 days before the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors shall by motion approve a list of nominees who have successfully submitted their nomination papers within the nomination period, who have verified their willingness to serve if elected, and who have met the criteria set out in CMMOTA Bylaw 4.4. which are applicable to the position for which they were nominated.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: February 11, 2020
Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024