Appendix 31 – Client Intake Form Samples

2025-01-17T12:45:29-07:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Appendix|

To view the current edition of Appendix 31 – Client Intake Form Samples please click here.An editable document version of template 1 can be downloaded by clicking on this link. An editable document version of template 2 can be downloaded by clicking on this link.©2025 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.

Appendix 32 – Treatment Notes Sample Forms

2025-01-17T13:03:24-07:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Appendix|

To view the current edition of Appendix 32 – Treatment Notes Sample Forms please click here. An editable document version of template 1 can be downloaded by clicking on this link. An editable document version of template 2 can be downloaded by clicking on this link.An editable document version of template 3 can be downloaded by clicking on this link. ©2025 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.

Appendix 1: Board of Directors Nomination Form

2025-01-17T12:57:32-07:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Appendix|

To view the current edition of Appendix 1: Board of Directors Nomination Form please click here. Please note that this is a reference guide for membership and administration, and is not the actual form required to be filled out during the nominations process. That form can be found using the link in the paragraph below, which is live only during the annual nomination period.2025 Board of Directors Nomination Form ©2025 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.

Appendix 6 – CMMOTA Complaint Form

2025-01-17T10:15:02-07:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Appendix|

To view the current edition of Appendix 6 - CMMOTA Complaint Form please click here.In order to initiate a complaint against a member of the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association the above form needs to be filled out and returned to the CMMOTA office by either email to or faxed to (403) 517-7675. Once the CMMOTA has received this document we will follow the process laid out in the Discipline for Complaints Policy.If you have any further questions or need assistance in completing the CMMOTA Complaint Form, please contact CMMOTA directly at or by phone to (403)356-1160. [...]

Appendix 7 – Member Complaints Consent Form

2025-01-17T10:49:50-07:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Appendix|

To view the current edition of Appendix 7 – Member Complaints Consent Form please click here. This form is the form that will be sent to a member who has had a formal complaint filed against them as part of their complaint notification package.©2024 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.

Appendix 17 – Example of Treatment of Sensitive Areas Consent Form

2025-01-17T11:55:12-07:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Appendix|

To view the current edition of Appendix 17 – Example of Treatment of Sensitive Areas Consent Form please click here. An editable document version of this template 1 can be downloaded by clicking on this link.An editable document version of this template 2 can be downloaded by clicking on this link.An editable document version of this template 3 can be downloaded by clicking on this link. ©2025 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.

Appendix 42 – Modalities List for Spa Therapists

2025-01-17T17:51:32-07:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Appendix|

The following is a list of modalities which CMMOTA recognizes for the purpose of granting insurance through our liability insurance provider. In order for a member to gain recognition for the Modalities listed below, they must meet the criteria laid out under each section. If you are a practicing Massage Therapist please refer to Appendix 19 for a list of modalities related to your professional practice. If you are a practicing Manual Osteopathic Therapist, please refer to Appendix 34 for a list of modalities that are related to your professional practice. Section 1 Spa Therapist Member Core Modalities Criteria: A member [...]

Appendix 19 – Modalities List for Massage Therapists

2025-01-17T14:36:58-07:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Appendix|

The following is a list of modalities which CMMOTA recognizes for the purpose of granting insurance through our liability insurance provider. In order for a member to gain recognition for the Modalities listed below, they must meet the criteria laid out under each section. If you are a practicing Spa Therapist, please refer to Appendix 42 for a list of modalities that are related to your professional practice. If you are a practicing Manual Osteopathic Therapist, please refer to Appendix 34 for a list of modalities that are related to your professional practice. If you are a practicing Registered Massage Therapist [...]

Appendix 25 – Teaching or Teaching Assistant CEC Checklist

2025-01-17T16:46:28-07:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Appendix|

This is for Teachers or Teacher’s Assistants.• A letter as described below must be submitted annually in order to receive the CEC’s.• Member’s, please have your educational institution provide a letter on their official letterhead containing the following information to or by regular mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave., Red Deer, AB, T4R1S2:o Teacher or Teacher’s Assistant’s Nameo Course(s) Nameo Dates of Course(s)o Signed by Authorized OfficialQualifying:• Teaching or serving as a teacher’s assistant at a recognized massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy program.CEC Award:• 6 credits per year, to a maximum of 18 credits per CEC cycle.• Credits for [...]

Appendix 34 – Modalities List for Manual Osteopathic Therapists

2025-01-17T17:04:01-07:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Appendix|

The following is a list of modalities which CMMOTA recognizes for the purpose of granting insurance through our liability insurance provider. In order for a member to gain recognition for the Modalities listed below, they must meet the criteria laid out under each section. If you are a practicing Massage Therapist, please refer to Appendix 19 for a list of modalities that are related to your professional practice. If you are a practicing Spa Therapist, please refer to Appendix 42 for a list of modalities that are related to your professional practice. Section 1 Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist Member Core Modalities [...]

Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule

2025-01-17T09:58:56-07:00May 30th, 2024|Categories: Appendix|

Basic Rate:Director - $200 per annumSecretary - $400 per annumTreasurer - $600 per annumVice President - $300 per annumPresident - $600 per annumPer Diem Rate:0 – 2 Hours – No Compensation2 Hours 1 minute – 5 Hours - $2505 hours 1 minute – 8 Hours - $4508+ Hours - $600TravelAirfare – reimbursement for Economy Rate travel plus baggage as required. (Receipt required)Personal Vehicle – $0.70 per km (origin and destination addresses required) up to 5000km/year; $0.64 per km in excess of 5000km/year.Taxi/Ride Service – basic rate only, tips up to 10% of total bill reimbursed (receipt required)Vehicle Rental – reimbursement for [...]

Appendix 41 – Seminar/Conference Attendance Checklist

2025-01-17T17:33:30-07:00November 14th, 2023|Categories: Appendix|

Members, please provide the following by email to or by regular mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave, Red Deer, AB T4R 1S2: • Proof of Attendance: o Copy of Ticket; or o Proof of Purchase • Copy of Itinerary for the Seminar/Conference Event including the event schedule. • 250 Words (1 Page) explaining what you learned while attending the seminar/conference. Qualifying: • Seminar/Conference must be relevant to the professions of either massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy. • Seminar/Conference must be a minimum of 4 hours in length. CEC Award: • 1 credit per 4 hours of seminar/conference to a [...]

Appendix 40 – SOAP Notes Abbreviations Sample

2025-01-17T17:43:31-07:00September 13th, 2023|Categories: Appendix|

The following are a sample of possible abbreviations. When creating your own Abbreviations Key document abbreviations should be listed alphabetically and/or numerically followed by symbols for ease of use.Possible Abbreviations: • AB – abdomen • BA – back ache• BB – biceps brachii muscle• BR – brachioradialis muscle• BRAC – brachialis muscle• CC – chief complaint• CL – client• COLD – application of cold• CST – cranial sacral therapy• CT – connective tissue• DELT – deltoid muscle• DT – deep tissue• EFF - effleurage• ELE – elevation• ES – erector spinae muscles• FBM – full body massage• FX – friction• GLUTS [...]

Appendix 38 – Volunteering as a Peer Reviewer Participation Checklist

2025-01-17T17:22:18-07:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Appendix|

• This is for those who have provided Peer Review for an article pertaining to massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy for a Peer Reviewed Journal publication.• A letter as described below must be submitted annually in order to receive the CEC’s.• Member’s, please have the journal editor or contact person provide a letter on their official letterhead containing the following information to or by regular mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave, Red Deer, AB T4R 1S2:o Peer Reviewer’s Nameo Number of articles reviewed during the given year.o Signed by Authorized OfficialQualifying:• Serving as a Peer Reviewer for an article [...]

Appendix 39 – Article Publication CEC Checklist

2025-01-17T17:26:40-07:00June 1st, 2023|Categories: Appendix|

• This is for those who have successfully had an article pertaining to massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy which they authored or co-authored published in a Peer Reviewed Journal publication. • A copy of the article published must be submitted to the Association in order to receive the CEC’s. • Member’s, please have the journal editor or contact person provide a letter on their official letterhead containing the following information to or by regular mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave, Red Deer, AB T4R 1S2: o Article Author’s Name o Date that the Article was published o Signed by [...]

Appendix 24 – Event Volunteer Participation Checklist

2025-01-17T16:41:08-07:00September 12th, 2022|Categories: Appendix|

Event Volunteering is done without monetary compensation as a way of promoting the profession(s).• Member’s, please have the event organizer provide a letter containing the following information on official event letterhead and have them submit it to or by regular letter mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave. Red Deer, AB T4R 1S2:o Volunteering Member’s Nameo Date(s) of Volunteer Participationo Number of Hours Spent Volunteeringo Name of Evento Location of Evento Name of Volunteer Supervisoro Signature of Volunteer SupervisorCEC Award:• 1 credit per 2 hours, to a maximum of 3 credits per event, to a maximum of 9 credits per CEC [...]


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