Event Volunteering is done without monetary compensation as a way of promoting the profession(s).
• Member’s, please have the event organizer provide a letter containing the following information on official event letterhead and have them submit it to info@cmmota.com or by regular letter mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave. Red Deer, AB T4R 1S2:
o Volunteering Member’s Name
o Date(s) of Volunteer Participation
o Number of Hours Spent Volunteering
o Name of Event
o Location of Event
o Name of Volunteer Supervisor
o Signature of Volunteer Supervisor
CEC Award:
• 1 credit per 2 hours, to a maximum of 3 credits per event, to a maximum of 9 credits per CEC cycle.
Last Updated: September 12, 2022
©2022 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.