The following is a list of modalities which CMMOTA recognizes for the purpose of granting insurance through our liability insurance provider. In order for a member to gain recognition for the Modalities listed below, they must meet the criteria laid out under each section. If you are a practicing Massage Therapist please refer to Appendix 19 for a list of modalities related to your professional practice. If you are a practicing Manual Osteopathic Therapist, please refer to Appendix 34 for a list of modalities that are related to your professional practice.

Section 1 Spa Therapist Member Core Modalities

Criteria: A member must meet the eligibility requirements to become a Spa Therapist Member which are indicated under CMMOTA Bylaw 3.2.9.. The following core modalities may be practiced without supervision while they are a “Spa Therapist Member:”

• Deep Muscle

• Hydrotherapy

• Joint Mobilization

• Manual Lymphatic Drainage

• Myofascial Therapy

• Relaxation Massage

• Swedish Massage

• Therapeutic Massage

• Trigger Point

Section 2 Spa Therapist Member Additional Modalities

Criteria: In order for a “Spa Therapist Member” to practice any of the following modalities, the modality must be granted by CMMOTA’s Professional Liability Insurance provider. A modality may be granted if the following are provided to the Association:

1. A Certificate from a CMMOTA approved Continuing Education Course which meets both the approval of the Professional Liability Insurance company, and CMMOTA’s minimum standard of hours and hands on training required to grant the specified modality; or

2. Diploma from a CMMOTA accepted Massage Therapy programme accompanied by Transcripts and Course Outlines which include hours of training in any specific modality type – the course outline, preferably with a breakdown of theoretical hours and practical hours, would have to be from the specific year that the programme was delivered to the therapist, as we recognize that programmes change from time to time. Any modality would need to meet the minimum standard of hours and hands on training required to grant the specific modality and would require approval from the Professional Liability Insurance provider as sufficient proof of education.

This is the list of additional Spa Therapist Modalities that CMMOTA recognizes. Any Modality not on this list would have to be considered by, Administration, the Board of Directors, and the Liability Insurance Provider before it would be added to the list. If there is a modality that you would like to have considered that is not currently on this list below, please contact so that we can inquire directly with our liability insurance provider to see if it may be added to this list. The Association reserves the right to add to or remove any modality on this list at any time for any reason it deems necessary.

• Acupressure

• Alexander Method

• Aroma Massage (use of industrial produced/blended oils only)

• Aromatherapy (requires 200 hours CE training, allows for therapist produced/blended oil use)

• Aroma Touch (use of industrial produced/blended oils only)

• Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy

• Athletic Taping and Bracing

• Bowen Therapy

• Callanetics (Exercise Program) *

• Certified Athletic/Sports Therapist *

• Cupping (no heat)

• Esthetics *

• Fitness Instructor *

• Healing Touch

• Hellerwork

• Hot Stone Therapy

• Indian Head/Foot Massage

• Infrared Sauna *

• Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM)

• Ki-Hara Resistance Stretching *

• Lomi Lomi Massage

• Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT)

• Meridian Massage

• Nordic Pole Walking *

• Nutritional Consulting *

• Personal Training *

• Pilates *

• Raindrop Therapy

• Reflexology

• Reiki

• Salt Stone

• Shiatsu *

• Sleep Consultant *

• Spin Instructor *

• Suction Cupping (no heat)

• Therapeutic Touch

• Touch for Health/RESET

• Traditional/Thai/ Thai Yoga Massage

• Trager

• Yamuna Body Rolling *

• Yoga *

• Zumba *

PLEASE NOTE that those modalities followed by a * may require an insurance surcharge for professional liability insurance coverage – please contact the office for current pricing.

Section 3 – Manual Osteopathic Therapy

CMMOTA has designated this modality as a separate professional designation. As such while we are able to offer professional liability insurance coverage for those members who are enrolled as a student in an Manual Osteopathic Therapy program as an add on to your Spa Therapist policy with a surcharge, it may not be practiced as part of a Massage Treatment Plan, and must be billed separate from Massage, and any receipts issued by the member for Manual Osteopathic Therapy services shall not include the Member’s CMMOTA ST Registration number.

Once a member has graduated from a Manual Osteopathic Therapy program, in order to continue practice as a Manual Osteopathic Therapists, we do require registration as an individual professional designation, and an upgrade in insurance coverage.

As a Spa Therapist member, if you have met the eligibility requirements for either a Manual Osteopathic Student membership or Full Manual Osteopathic members listed under CMMOTA Bylaws 3.2.2 or 3.2.7. and wish to have the coverage for Manual Osteopathic Therapy added to your professional liability coverage, please contact the CMMOTA office directly to get the process started.

IF You are practicing or offering any services not listed above, please contact the CMMOTA office to assist in obtaining additional professional liability insurance coverage. Practice or offering of additional services cannot be billed or invoiced using a CMMOTA ST membership number.

Date of Last Revision: October 25, 2024

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