
• This policy was written in response to requests from our members during the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines the requirements of CMMOTA therapists who choose to provide Virtual Consultation/Treatment Services to their clientele.


1. Virtual Consultations/Treatment may only be delivered to clientele who are residents of Canada.

2. Virtual consultation/treatment must fall within the scope of training of the therapist performing the consultation and the therapist must abide by any policy and/or guidelines set in place by the CMMOTA.

3. Virtual Consultations may be billed as either a Massage Treatment – Virtual, or a Manual Osteopathic Therapy Treatment – Virtual. All receipting must contain this in the item line, or as treatment type.

4. Virtual Consultations/treatment may be direct billed to any health insurance provider, but must be identified as a virtual treatment.

5. Any member of the CMMOTA wishing to perform a Virtual Consultation must have the client read and initial the CMMOTA supplied “Informed Consent for Virtual Consultations Form” (see Appendix 12: Informed Consent for Virtual Consultations Form) and return it to the Therapist before the Virtual Consultation Session. This form must be initialled, signed and dated for EACH Virtual Consultation Appointment by both the Client and the Therapist.

6. All Virtual Consultations must be conducted via a video conferencing platform that allows for the consultation to be audio and video recorded.

7. All therapists must at the beginning of the Virtual Consultation verbally ask the client for consent to record the consultation and inform the client that the recording shall become part of their client file. A consultation cannot continue without the client’s written and verbal consent to record the consultation.

a. Wording “Do you provide consent to audibly and visually record this Virtual Consultation session for the expressed purpose of it being maintained as part of your client file.”

8. All recordings must be maintained to the clients file, and must be maintained in their file, along with consultation notes, for a period of not less than 10 years, as per the guidelines surrounding the maintenance of treatment notes by a therapist.

9. All recordings are property of the therapists, and may not be shared either to the client, or to another person, except by court order.

10. During the consultation the therapist may clearly instruct and visually demonstrate self tests to aid in understanding a client’s concern(s).

11. During the consultation the therapist may visually supervise a clients’ performance of a self test(s).

12. During the consultation the therapist may seek audible confirmation of the clients’ experience while performing a self test(s).

13. During the consultation the therapist may clearly instruct and visually demonstrate self care techniques which may help with a client’s concern(s). These self care techniques may include any of the following:

a. Self Care: Strengthening

b. Self Care: Hydrotherapy

c. Self Care: Breathing Exercise

d. Self Care: Stretching

e. Self Care: Special Tests

f. Self Care: AROM, PROM, RROM Testing

g. Self Care: Assessments

h. Self Care: Homecare

i. Self Care: Massage (RMT Only)

j. Self Care: General Osteopathic Techniques (MOT Only)

k. Self Care: Structural Corrections (MOT Only)

14. During the consultation the therapist may supervise a client’s performance of a self care technique(s).

15. During the consultation, the therapist may seek audible confirmation of the client’s experience while performing a self care technique(s).

16. During the consultation, the therapist may make suggestions on ongoing self care technique(s) that the client may perform without supervision and assist the client in establishing a self care routine to address any of the client’s concern(s).

17. During the consultation, the therapist may agree to provide access to either Audio/Visual self care documentation or written self care documentation to the client after completion of the consultation.

18. In addition to a copy of the recorded consultation, the Therapist shall complete Consultation notes for each consultation session on the Virtual Consultation Notes form (see Appendix 13: Virtual Consultation Notes) provided by CMMOTA. These notes, together with the recording of the consultation shall be maintained to the client’s file and must be maintained in their file for a period of not less than 10 years, as per the guidelines surrounding the maintenance of treatment notes by the therapist.

19. Virtual Consultation notes must include documentation of:

a. Verbal consent to record the consultation

b. Interpreted results of any self testing done by the client.

c. Any self care plan developed for the client

d. All advice offered to the client, which shall be classified as client self care or client rehabilitation.

e. All self care treatments that were done under the therapist’s supervision during the session, and the results.

f. Whether self care was demonstrated to the client, or what other means were provided to instruct the client in the self care technique.

g. Which area(s) of the body that were addressed in the consultation

Original Date of Policy Adoption: August 19, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 18, 2021

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