
• To establish Policy and Procedure surrounding the verification of certificates and documents submitted by Members or Membership Applicants for authenticity and validity. These certificates and/or documents may include, but are not limited to, Massage or Manual Osteopathic Therapy Diplomas, Transcripts, First Aid and CPR Certificates, proof of insurance documentation, English Language Competencies, and letters of good standing from other professional Associations, or any other document which administration deems necessary because it appears to be materially altered from its original form.


1. All documents provided to CMMOTA by a Member or a Membership applicant must be verified for validity and authenticity before they are accepted for whatever purpose they serve.

2. Vulnerable Sector checks and Government issued identification do not need to be verified unless they appear to be materially altered from their original form.

3. If a document submitted by a membership applicant is deemed to be fraudulent in nature, meaning that it appears to have been altered or forged, membership may be denied at the discretion of the Executive Director.

4. If a document submitted by a member is deemed to be fraudulent in nature, meaning that it appears to have been altered or forged, the Executive Director shall file a complaint against the member, which shall be subject to the Discipline for Complaints Policy.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: March 30, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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