In those cases where a massage therapist member is a registered member of the Regulatory College in the jurisdiction in which they practice, this policy does not apply, as the standards which those members are responsible to adhere to are set by the regulatory body within those jurisdictions.
• To provide clarification for members on how and when and whom they may treat in regard to family members. While treatment of family members is currently allowed for those members who are not part of a Regulatory College, it is strongly discouraged. For members who are part of a Regulatory College in their respective jurisdictions, the treatment of family members is determined by the College body in their respective province, and as such, this policy does not apply to those members.
1. A family member is defined as a person who is a child, a sibling, a parent, a grandparent, or a person who is either married to or in a common law relationship with a child, a sibling, a parent, or a grandparent. A spouse is not included in this policy – please see CMMOTA’s Treatment of Spouse Policy. A romantic partner is not included in this policy – please see CMMOTA’s Treatment of Romantic Partners Policy.
2. Treatment of family members is to be performed to the same level and standard as the general public.
3. Treatment of family members is to take place in a clinical setting only. Treatment of a family member is not to take place in a therapist’s home. This does not include a home-based business setting where a treatment room has been established – that would be considered a clinical setting.
4. Treatment of family members may be billed.
5. Treatment of family members must occur within normal business hours of the therapist.
6. Treatment of family members must be documented in the same manner as the general public.
7. Reported non-compliance with this policy would result in disciplinary action through the CMMOTA’s Disciplinary Complaints Policy.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: October 19, 2020
Date of Last Policy Revision: June 20, 2022
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