• To establish clear guidelines for the submission of education documents for the purpose of attaining membership, and subsequent membership class upgrading, as not all schools provide graduation certificates and transcript documents immediately following completion of a program.
1. In order to become an Associate Massage Therapist member, the applicant must provide proof of completion of a first-year massage therapy program with a minimum of 900 hours from an approved institution. If a diploma or certificate and a copy of their transcript is not available at the time of application, a letter of completion from the program’s institution will suffice on an interim basis for a period not to exceed 3 months from the date of completion, unless the institution has a delay that can be confirmed in the release of the diploma or certificate and a copy of the applicant’s transcripts. The member shall be responsible to provide the association with the required documents (transcript) prior to 3 months from the date of completion or must provide notice from the institution of a delay in release of said documents prior to 3 months from the date of completion of the program.
2. In order become a Full Massage Therapist/Spa Therapist member the applicant must provide proof of completion of a first-year and second-year massage therapy program with an accumulated total of a minimum of 2200 hours from an approved institution(s). If a diploma or certificate and a copy of their transcript is not available at the time of application, a letter of completion from the program’s institution will suffice on an interim basis for a period not to exceed 3 months from the date of completion, unless the institution has a delay that can be confirmed in the release of the diploma or certificate and a copy of the applicant’s transcripts. The member shall be responsible to provide the association with the required documents (diploma or certificate and transcript) prior to 3 months from the date of completion or must provide notice from the institution of a delay in release of said documents prior to 3 months from the date of completion of the program.
3. In order to become a Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist member the applicant must provide proof of completion of a manual osteopathic therapy program with a minimum of 1000 hours of training from an approved institution. If their total training in manual osteopathic therapy is less than 4200 hours and if they are not already a Registered Massage Therapist or Full Massage Therapist or Spa Therapist member with the association, then a Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) document will also be required with their proof of completion. The PLAR may be provided by their educational institution, or the applicant may be required to complete the same with the Association. The results of the PLAR must meet the minimum standards set out in CSA Z16686:20 Table CA.1. If a diploma or certificate and a copy of their transcript is not available at the time of application, a letter of completion from the program’s institution will suffice on an interim basis for a period not to exceed 3 months from the date of completion, unless the institution has a delay that can be confirmed in the release of the diploma or certificate and a copy of the applicant’s transcripts. The member shall be responsible to provide the association with the required documents (diploma or certificate and transcript) prior to 3 months from the date of completion or must provide notice from the institution of a delay in release of said documents prior to 3 months from the date of completion of the program.
4. If a member provides a notice of delay, they shall be granted an extension that shall not exceed 60 days past the date of expected document availability.
5. If a member fails to provide the association with the required documents (diploma or certificate and transcripts or notice of delay) by the deadline (3 months from date of completion of the program, or 60 days past the date of expected document ability provided in a notice of delay), then the member shall immediately have their membership suspended. A notice of suspension shall be provided by administration by phone and to the last known email address of the member. Administration shall also notify any necessary third parties of the suspension of membership. The suspension shall be for a maximum of 30 days. The suspension may be lifted immediately upon receipt of the required documents.
6. If a member who has been suspended fails to provide the required documents within the 30-day suspension period, then the member shall have their membership cancelled on the first business day following the 30th day and shall be notified by administration of the cancellation to the last known email address of the member.
7. A member who has been cancelled may be reinstated in accordance with the CMMOTA Membership Reinstatement Policy.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: November 26, 2021
Date of Last Policy Revision: November 7, 2024
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