• To establish clear guidelines surrounding the upgrading of membership from student to higher classes of membership following the completion of a massage or manual osteopathic therapy program, and requirements for members who withdraw from an education program prior to completion.
1. Student Massage Therapist members may only upgrade to an Associate Massage Therapist Member if they reside in an unregulated province or territory of Canada. Associate members may not practice in a regulated province or territory of Canada.
2. A Student Massage Therapist Member who became a member before completion of the first year of education (900 hour minimum), is required within sixty (60) days of completion of that program to inform the Association of their intention in writing to remain as a student member, or to upgrade their membership to an Associate membership, or to cancel their membership.
a. If their intention is to continue as a Student Massage Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their 2nd year letter of enrollment from their educational institution.
b. If their intention is to upgrade to an Associate Massage Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their 2nd year letter of enrollment from their educational institution.
c. If their intention is to cancel their membership, the member shall be asked to submit a completed Appendix 29 – Membership Cancellation Request Form within 60 days of completion of their program.
3. A Student Massage Therapist Member who continued their student membership following the completion of their first year, or who became a member before completion of the second year of education (2200 hour minimum), is required within sixty (60) days of completion of that program to inform the Association in writing of their intention to upgrade their membership to a Full Massage Therapist, or Spa Therapist, or Registered Massage Therapist membership or to cancel their membership.
a. If their intention is to upgrade to a Full Massage Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their second-year transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their second-year diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the first year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
b. If their intention is to upgrade to a Spa Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their second-year transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their second-year diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the first year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
c. If their intention is to upgrade to a Registered Massage Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association prior to their upgrade in membership:
i. A copy of their second-year transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their second-year diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the second year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
iv. A letter from the College of Massage Therapy in the province, or receipt of payment for the required testing necessary to join the college.
1. Membership in this class will not be completed until the member has successfully joined the College of Massage Therapy in the jurisdiction in which they wish to practice and provided the association with a copy of their college registration document.
d. If their intention is to cancel their membership, the member shall be asked to submit a completed Appendix 29 – Membership Cancellation Request Form within 60 days of completion of their program.
4. An Associate Massage Therapist Member who became a member before completion of the second year of education (2200 hour minimum), is required within sixty (60) days of completion of that program to inform the Association in writing of their intention to upgrade their membership to a Full Massage Therapist, or Spa Therapist, or Registered Massage Therapist membership or to cancel their membership.
a. If their intention is to upgrade to a Full Massage Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their second-year transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their second-year diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the first year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
b. If their intention is to upgrade to a Spa Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their second-year transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their second-year diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the first year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
iv. A completed Spa Therapist Member Application form.
c. If their intention is to upgrade to a Registered Massage Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association prior to their upgrade in membership:
i. A copy of their second-year transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their second-year diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the first year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
iv. A letter from the College of Massage Therapy in the province, or receipt of payment for the required testing necessary to join the college.
1. Membership in this class will not be completed until the applicant has successfully joined the College of Massage Therapy in the jurisdiction in which they wish to practice and provided the association with a copy of their college registration document.
d. If their intention is to cancel their membership, the member shall be asked to submit a completed Appendix 29 – Membership Cancellation Request Form within 60 days of completion of their program.
5. A Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist Member who became a member before completion of their manual osteopathic therapy education (1000 hour minimum), is required within sixty (60) days of completion of that program to inform the Association in writing of their intention to or to upgrade their membership to a Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist membership or to cancel their membership.
a. If their intention is to upgrade to a Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Member, the member is required to provide the following to the Association within 60 days of completion of their program:
i. A copy of their transcript (unofficial is acceptable until marks are released)
ii. A copy of their diploma or certificate, or on a temporary basis, as determined by the Executive Director, a letter from their educational institution stating that they have successfully completed the first year of their program if convocation is held at a later date.
iii. A copy of their valid Intermediate First Aid (SFA) and Level C CPR certificate.
iv. Submit a valid Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) obtained in the last 90 days from the member’s local RCMP or Police Services detachment.
b. If their intention is to cancel their membership, the member shall be asked to submit a completed Appendix 29 – Membership Cancellation Request Form within 60 days of completion of their program.
6. The Board of Directors grants its authority to Administration to suspend, and if necessary, cancel an individual’s membership following the steps outlined below regarding non-compliance regarding the Student and Association Membership Upgrade Policy.
7. Prior to suspension, administration shall phone the member to warn them of the impending suspension. This phone call notice shall include:
a. The date that the membership will be suspended if no action is taken.
b. The date that the membership will be cancelled if no action is taken.
c. That additional information surrounding suspension/cancellation of membership will be provided by email if no action is taken.
8. If a Student Massage Therapist, Associate Massage Therapist, or Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist member fails to provide notice of their intentions before 60 days has passed since the completion of their program, administration shall on the next business day of the association suspend their membership with the association and shall send notification of the suspension by phone, and by email to the last known address of the member.
9. If a Student Massage Therapist, Associate Massage Therapist, or Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist member fails to provide the required documentation to upgrade their membership before 60 days has passed since the completion of their program, administration shall on the next business day of the association suspend their membership with the association and shall send notification of the suspension by phone, and by email to the last known address of the member.
a. This does not apply to Student Massage Therapist or Associate Massage Therapist members who are seeking to upgrade their membership to a Registered Massage Therapist. In these circumstances their Student or Associate Membership status shall be allowed to continue following the completion of their program at the discretion of the Executive Director, but their Association membership must be upgraded within 30 days of obtaining membership/registration with a regulatory body.
10. Following suspension of membership, a Student Massage Therapist, Associate Massage Therapist, or Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist member shall have 30 days to provide the required documentation to the Association. If the 30 days has passed since the since their suspension, and the required documentation has not been submitted, administration shall on the next business day of the association cancel their membership with the association and shall send notification of the cancellation by phone, and by email to the last known address of the member, and shall provide a copy of the notice of cancellation in the members file along with any outstanding requirements should the member seek future membership re-instatement.
11. If a Student Massage Therapist Member, an Associate Massage Therapist Member, or a Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist member withdraws from their education program prior to its completion, they are to immediately notify the Association of their withdrawal and provide either an acceptance letter into a different program within 30 days of notice, or voluntarily request that their membership be cancelled.
12. If a Student Massage Therapist Member, an Associate Massage Therapist Member, or a Student Manual Osteopathic Therapist member withdraws from their education program prior to its completion, and does not inform the Association of the withdrawal, the Association may, at the discretion of the Executive Director, upon discovery of such a withdrawal immediately cancel the membership of the member.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: November 26, 2021
Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024
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