
• To provide clarity surrounding what spa therapist members are to provide to their clientele by way of receipt for service(s) and/or product(s) provided.

• This policy only applies to CMMOTA Spa Therapist members.


Additional Services – any service provided by the member which is not included in the modalities listing in Appendix 42 – Modalities for Spa Therapists

Spa Therapy Treatment – treatment provided to a client using any modalities listed in Appendix 42 – Modalities for Spa Therapists whether on their own or combined.


1. When a service and/or product is provided to a client by a member of CMMOTA, that member should issue a receipt to the client for service(s) and/or product(s).

a. Members are not to provide receipts with their billing number for services which they did not deliver (example: for services delivered by someone under their supervision). This would constitute fraud and would result in disciplinary action in accordance with CMMOTA’s Discipline for Complaints Policy.

2. Spa Therapy Treatment should be identified on the receipt as “Spa Therapy Treatment – XX minutes.”

3. Credit Card Surcharge Fees should be identified on the receipt as “Credit Card Surcharge Fee”

a. These may be included on a receipt for Spa Therapy Treatment.

b. When implementing these fees as a business you are required to provide notice to your existing clientele not less than 30 days prior to fee implementation.

c. Credit Card Surcharge Fees may be implemented only in accordance with guidance provided by the Government of Canada (https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/merchants/credit-fees-merchant.html)

4. Products or services that are outside of the Spa Therapist’s Scope of Practice must:

a. Be identified by the name of the product, or a description of the service. They may not be included under either the description of “Spa Therapy Treatment – XX Minutes”; and

5. No third-party health insurance billing is allowed.

6. When a receipt is issued for mobile treatment, the address used on the receipt is to be the office location of the business, not the location that the treatment was delivered.

7. A receipt issued by a CMMOTA Spa Therapist member should include all the following information:

a. Therapists Name, as it is presented on the therapist’s Membership Certificate; and

b. Therapists Association Number in Correct Format (CMMOTA – ST#XXXX); and

c. Therapists Place of Business (if applicable); and

d. Address of Business; and

e. Phone Number of Business; and

f. GST # (if applicable); and

g. Date Receipt was Issued; and

h. Receipt Number; and

i. Name and mailing address of Client; and

j. Description of the product(s) or service(s) provided, including time and cost; and

k. Payment Method

8. A copy of all receipts issued should be kept, whether by electronic means, or by paper for a period of not less than 10 years.

9. If a member has both professional designations, both services (Manual Osteopathic Therapy Treatment and Spa Therapy Treatment) must be listed on separate receipts. Combined receipts for service are not to be issued. Please note that treatments from both professional designations are not to be combined, and each should have a clearly defined appointment time.

10. If a member has both professional designations, the use of both membership numbers on the same receipt is prohibited. Only the appropriate member number is to be listed for the treatment provided.

11. Examples of Acceptable Receipt layout can be found in Appendix 30 – Receipting Samples.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: November 7, 2024

Date of Last Policy Revision:

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