
• To establish policy surrounding the Membership Requirement to pay membership fees in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.3..


1. Full Massage Therapist Members, Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members, Associate Massage Therapist Members, Registered Massage Therapist Members, Spa Therapist Members, Inactive Massage Therapist Members, and Inactive Manual Osteopathic Therapist Members are required to pay in advance on an annual basis Membership Renewal Fees as designated by the Association in accordance with the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.

2. The Board of Directors shall, by motion, set Membership Renewal Fees for the next calendar year no later than September 30 and the Membership Fees shall be published by Administration to the Membership in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.

3. The Board of Directors shall, by motion, set New Membership Fees for the next calendar year no later than November 30 and the New Membership Fees shall be published by Administration to the Membership in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.

4. The Board of Directors shall, by motion, set the deadline date for payment of Membership Renewal Fees no later than September 30 and the deadline shall be published by Administration to the membership at the time of invoicing of the Membership Renewal Fees.

5. The Board of Directors shall, by motion, set the Administration Fee to Process Renewals past the Deadline for the next calendar year no later than September 30 and Administration shall publish this fee to the Membership in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.

6. Administration shall provide an invoice for membership renewal fees to all Full, Associate, and Inactive members by November 1 to their last known email address.

7. If a member does not submit the required Annual Membership Renewal Fees to the Association before the deadline, then Administration shall follow CMMOTA’s Discipline for Non-Compliance Regarding the Payment of Membership Fees Policy.

8. The Executive Director may, at their discretion, waive the payment of all or part of a member’s annual renewal fee. Where a renewal payment is waved, it must be documented in the member’s membership file and is to be reported to the Board of Directors at the next available Board Meeting.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: September 26, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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