• To provide policy surrounding the request for a change of membership number for a member, and the documentation that will be required by the Association before granting such a request, and who will be notified when a change of number is approved.
1. The membership number by which a member shall be recognized is issued at the time that they have completed their registration with the Association as an Associate Massage Therapist Member or as a Full Massage Therapist Member, or as a Registered Massage Therapist Member, or as a Spa Therapist Member, or as a Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist Member.
2. Once a member number has gone inactive, either by a lapse in active membership, or a membership suspension which results from a complaint requiring a discipline process in accordance with the Discipline for Complaints Policy, or a membership cancellation, the number is permanently retired.
3. The Association determines the number which is issued to a qualified member.
4. In order for a member request to change their membership number with the Association, a member must fill out Appendix 28 – Membership Number Change Request Form and submit it to the Association.
5. Administration shall review a submitted Appendix 28 – Membership Number Change Request Form to determine if the reason(s) for the requested change are sufficient to warrant a membership number change.
6. Upon confirmation of a membership number change, a new membership certificate shall be issued to the member with the updated membership number.
7. Upon confirmation of a membership number change, all necessary third parties shall be notified of the name change.
8. Any fee for a membership number change shall be set by Motion of the Board of Directors as part of the current CMMOTA Fee Schedule.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: May 10, 2021
Date of Last Policy Revision: November 7, 2024
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