• To establish policy surrounding the appointment of members to serve on external committees, and to provide details surrounding compensation for participation in an external committee resulting from appointment to that committee, and to provide clarification on the rescindment of an external committee appointment.
1. The Board may by motion appoint, with mutual consent, a member in good standing with the Association to serve on an external committee or organization.
2. The Board may rescind, by motion, the appointment of any member serving on an external committee or organization.
a. In such cases Administration shall inform the chair of the external committee or organization, or their alternate of the rescindment of the appointee by written communication.
3. Once appointed, the appointee shall serve on the committee for the duration of the committee or organization, or until they resign the appointment in writing to the Executive Director or their appointment is rescinded by motion of the Board.
4. A member appointed to an external committee or organization shall be responsible to report to the Board on a not less than quarterly basis any relevant activities of the committee or organization. Where the committee or organization has multiple appointments, the report should be generated jointly by all CMMOTA appointees serving on the committee or organization.
5. A member appointed to an external committee or organization shall receive 3 CEC’s annually for their participation as a committee member.
6. Expenses incurred by an appointee in the fulfillment of their duties as an external committee or organization member which are contemplated in Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule may be reimbursed upon submission to the Executive Director.
7. Expenses incurred by an appointee in the fulfillment of their duties as an external committee or organization member which are not contemplated in Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule but fall within a budgeted expense must be approved by the Executive Director.
8. Expenses which are not contemplated in Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule, and do not fall within a budgeted expense must receive approval from the Executive Director prior to the expenditure being made.
9. Expenses claimed must be submitted within 60 days from date incurred.
10. Expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule which was in place at the time the expense occurred.
11. Mileage rates as described in Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule shall reflect the reasonable per kilometer allowance set by the Canada Revenue Agency and will be adjusted in accordance with any rate changes set forth under that Canada Revenue Agency guidance.
a. Where possible an appointee should ride share. Where ride share is available, but not participated in, the expense cannot be claimed.
12. An appointee shall be entitled to receive per diem compensation, as outlined in Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule, for the following:
a. Attendance at a meeting of the external committee or organization.
b. For Travel when:
i. Travel to and from a meeting/function exceeds a cumulative of 20 kms and travel is undertaken the same day as the meeting; or
ii. Travel to and from a meeting/function exceeds a cumulative of 350 kms and travel is undertaken before or after the date of the meeting.
13. Total per diem claims shall not exceed one and one half per diems per day.
14. Time calculated for per diem shall include travel time to and from the meeting/function. If travel does not take place on the day of the meeting/function, then it shall be calculated under the regular per diem rate as described in Appendix 2: Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule.
15. Per diem claims must be submitted within 60 days of the meeting/function.
16. An appointee shall not be entitled to receive per diem compensation for:
a. Attendance at a meeting which lasts less than 2 hours including travel time.
b. Meeting preparation, including reading of meeting packages.
c. Completion of any other duties which they accept from the committee or organization.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: May 8, 2023
Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024
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