• To establish policy surrounding the establishment of a Disciplinary Committee, the purpose of the Disciplinary Committee, the application process for a potential Member of the Disciplinary Committee, the compensation to be provided for service on the committee, and term limits for appointed committee Members.
1. The Board of Directors shall establish a standing Disciplinary Committee comprised of not less than 3 and not more than 12 Members of the Association who are in good standing with the Association.
2. The Disciplinary Committee shall at their first meeting of the calendar year appoint a member of the Disciplinary Committee to serve as the chair of the committee. The purpose of the Chair is to:
a. Be a liaison between the rest of the Members of the Disciplinary Committee and the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Director; and
b. To chair the meetings of the Disciplinary Committee.; and
c. To chair any disciplinary hearings.
3. The Purpose of the Disciplinary Committee will be:
a. To review evidence forwarded to them by the Executive Director regarding a formal complaint against a Member; and
b. To come to a Complaint Decision regarding a formal complaint against a Member; and
c. When necessary to oversee and hear evidence at Disciplinary Hearings; and
d. To impose disciplinary actions against a member following a Disciplinary Hearing.
4. Appointment of the Disciplinary Committee shall occur as follows:
a. Administration shall call for applications throughout the year, in order to fill any vacant spots on the Disciplinary Committee. The call shall be made to all Members of the Association who are in good standing by way of email or publication in the CMMOTA Knead to Know newsletter.
b. Application submission will remain open until the maximum number of committee members has been filled.
c. Applications received shall be reviewed by Administration for eligibility.
d. The Board of Directors will review the eligible applications and will appoint Members from the eligible applications received to serve for a 2-year term on the Disciplinary Committee.
5. The Board of Directors may, by motion, terminate the service of a Disciplinary Committee Member at any time, for any reason it deems appropriate.
6. Disciplinary Committee Terms, Term Limits and Eligibility Requirements
a. Term
i. Shall be 2 years from the date of appointment. If a Member has been appointed to a specific hearing, and the hearing has not yet concluded, they shall remain on the Committee until such a time as the hearings that they are involved with have come to a conclusion.
b. Term Limits
i. A Disciplinary Committee Member may serve 3 consecutive 2-year terms, but then must take a minimum of a 1-year break, before being eligible to serve on the committee again.
c. Eligibility Requirements
i. An applicant must be a Member in good standing with the Association.
ii. An applicant cannot be a Student or Associate Member of the Association.
iii. An applicant cannot be a Member of the Board of Directors.
iv. An applicant cannot be a Member of the Administration.
7. Compensation
a. A Disciplinary Committee Member shall receive 4 CEC each year provided that they attend the annual training day. There will not be any monetary compensation for either the annual training day, or any Disciplinary Committee meetings.
b. A Disciplinary Committee Member shall receive an additional 4 CEC for each Disciplinary Hearing they sit on.
c. A Disciplinary Committee Member shall be entitled to a daily per diem rate of $200, which shall cover participation in the hearing.
d. If attendance at a Disciplinary Hearing requires travel by a Disciplinary Committee Member, mileage to and from their place of residence, or compensation for an alternative method of transportation, may be paid on the approval of the Executive Director of the Association.
e. One meal and refreshments will be provided for a Disciplinary Committee Member during the hearing, provided that the hearing and writing of the Disciplinary Hearing Report extends past 3 hours.
f. If a hearing extends past one day, a Disciplinary Committee Member will be provided a hotel room at the expense of the Association.
g. If the location of the hearing is more than 300 km from the Disciplinary Hearing Committee Member’s place of residence, a hotel room may be provided at the expense of the Association.
8. Other Requirements
a. The committee as a whole shall meet for committee training once per year. Members of the committee must complete this training before they are allowed to sit on a Disciplinary Committee Hearing. There shall be no monetary compensation for the training day.
9. Resignation
a. A Disciplinary Committee member may resign during their term by providing a letter of resignation to the Executive Director of the Association.
The Disciplinary Committee Application Form can be Found Here.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: March 30, 2020
Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024
©2024 CMMOTA, All Rights Reserved.