• To provide written guidance for the establishment of Association Policy, and the establishment of procedures surrounding approved policy. The Association’s policies and procedures are meant to be living documents. As such, it is necessary from time to time to establish new policy or new procedures or to revise these important governance and operating documents of the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association. Furthermore, it is important to keep these documents refreshed on a minimum of an annual basis by way of annual review.
1. Directors shall on a regular basis, review and make any recommendations to the Executive Director for Administration to draft changes to the Policies of the Association.
2. Administration shall, on an annual basis, following the Annual General Meeting, review all policy of the Association and make recommendations to the Board of Directors at a meeting of the Board, for updates or additions to the Policies of the Association. This is done to ensure that policies remain in agreement with any changes made to the bylaws of the Association at an Annual General Meeting and provides opportunity to also ensure that policies are kept up to date with appropriate legislation and current best practices for the professions which the Association represents.
3. Administration shall, as is required by the business of the Association, draft revisions to established policy, or draft new policy, to recommend to the Board of Directors for revision or addition to the Policies of the Association.
4. Policy and board procedures shall be established, revised, or rescinded by motion of the Board of Directors.
5. All new policy or policy changes shall be drafted by Administration and shall be subject to both Administration review and Directors’ review, prior to being presented for discussion and decision at a Board of Directors meeting.
6. All new administration procedures or administration procedure changes shall be drafted by Administration and shall be subject to Administration review prior to being approved by the Executive Director.
7. All new board procedures or changes to board procedures shall be drafted by Administration and shall be subject to Administration review and Directors’ review, prior to being present for discussion and decision at a Board of Directors meeting.
8. All member procedures, whether new or changes, shall be drafted by Administration and shall be subject to Administration review prior to being approved by the Executive Director.
9. Policy additions, revisions, or notice of policy rescindment shall be published to the Membership of the Association in the next Membership Policy and Procedure Handbook update for their information.
10. Member procedure additions, revisions, or notice of procedure rescindment once approved shall be published to the Membership of the Association for their information in the next Membership Policy and Procedure Handbook update.
11. All changes made to policy, whether new policy, revised policy, or policy rescindment, shall come into effect 30 days following the publication of the update to the membership, unless otherwise stated in the motion passed by the Board.
12. All changes made to member procedures, whether new procedures, revised procedures, or procedure rescindment, shall come into effect immediately following the publication of the update to the membership.
13. Appendixes are not policy, but rather supplemental documents to assist in the implementation of policy. All appendix documents except those listed below in Policy #14, whether new or revised, shall be drafted by Administration and shall be subject to review by Administration prior to being approved by the Executive Director. Once approved, an appendix will be circulated to the Board of Directors as information at the next Board of Directors meeting and will be published to the Membership of the Association in the next Membership Policy and Procedure Handbook update.
14. The following Appendixes, when revised, shall be drafted by Administration and shall be subject to review by Administration and Directors, prior to coming forward at a Board Meeting for approval by the Board of Directors. Once approved, these appendixes will be published to the Master Policy and Procedure Handbook update.
a. Appendix 2 – Board of Directors Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement Schedule
b. Appendix 3 – Administration Expense Reimbursement Schedule
Original Date of Policy Adoption: February 11, 2020
Date of Last Policy Revision: March 5, 2024
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