
• To provide guidance to members who through their clinical practice become aware of or suspect that an individual is experiencing some form of abuse.


1. In Canada, it is mandatory to report the suspected abuse of a child. In Canada, a child is legally defined as a person under the age of 18 years of age, although this age may increase in provinces where the age of majority is higher. If a child discloses to you that they are being abused, it is mandatory for you to report this disclosure. If an adult discloses to you that they are abusing a child, it is mandatory for you to report this disclosure. Where there has been a disclosure of abuse of a child, or where you suspect that a child is being or has been abused, please check out the link below for how to report or contact your local police department.

2. Legal requirements regarding the reporting of abuse of adults differ from province to province. Please contact your lawyer to find out what duty or ability you have, if any, to report suspected abuse. If you do not have a lawyer, please contact the office to get you in touch with the free legal services that are available as part of your Professional Liability Insurance policy.

3. If a client discloses to you that they are being abused, please be sure to include a statement to that effect in your treatment notes. If a client discloses to you that they are abusing another person, please be sure to include a statement to that effect in your treatment notes.

4. If you see signs of potential physical abuse (bruising, wounds, etc.), please be sure to include a statement about what you observed in your treatment notes (example: The client had a bruise located on the left side at the bottom of their rib cage).

Resources Regarding Reporting Child Abuse by Province/Territory

Original Date of Policy Adoption: May 10, 2021

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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