
• To provide further clarity surrounding the use/sale of Cannabis, CBD Oil, and other Cannabis based Products within the practice of massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy and to provide clear guidelines for providing therapy to someone who is under the influence of this drug. Originally drafted and adopted as a position statement following the Cannabis Act and associated regulations coming into force on October 17, 2018, we are now adapting that position statement into a policy package for members. The Cannabis Act expanded on the original Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations and legalized the use of cannabis for adults who are 18 years of age or older. The association has received many questions surrounding how the legalization of cannabis impacts Massage & Manual Osteopathic Therapy practice therefore the Association is providing the following policies as guidelines for members.


1. To provide informed consent, the client must be capable of providing consent. If a client seeks a massage or osteopathic therapy treatment while exhibiting signs of recently having consumed cannabis, or if a client discloses the recent use of cannabis (within the previous 24-hour period), whether recreational or medical, the member must determine whether the client is capable of providing informed consent for therapeutic services. If the client is unable to consent to treatment due to impairment by drugs (legal or otherwise), including cannabis, or it is unclear whether the client can consent to treatment, then the CMMOTA member is advised not to proceed with treatment.

2. It is not within the scope of practice for massage or osteopathic therapy to provide information or advice about how cannabis may affect a person’s health. CMMOTA members are advised to direct clients with these types of questions to a physician.

3. Members may not practice massage or osteopathic therapy while impaired. In the context of cannabis use, this applies regardless of whether a member is using cannabis for prescribed or recreational purposes. The use of any drug or substance, whether prescribed or recreational, has the potential to compromise the ability to provide safe and effective care to clients. If the substance affects communication, professional judgment, or decision-making skills, then the member must refrain from practicing massage or osteopathic therapy while under the influence of the drug or substance.

4. Members may not apply or administer cannabis oil, or oil/lotion or other lubricant which contains cannabidiol (CBD) or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or other related cannabinoid products, regardless of the source of these compounds, while providing massage therapy treatment or manual osteopathic therapy treatment.

5. Members may not recommend any products that contain any amounts of CBD or THC, or other cannabinoids, regardless of the source of these compounds, to any client as part of clinical practice.

6. Members may not sell any products that contain any amounts of CBD or THC or other cannabinoid products, regardless of the source of these compounds, in a clinical environment unless the member is an approved distributor as described in the Cannabis Act.

7. Members are not to provide advise about the usage of Cannabis, or CBD oils, or other cannabinoid products to their clients. Members are advised to direct clients with questions surrounding the use of these products to the client’s primary physician.

8. Members are not to provide referrals to a provider of Cannabis, CBD Oils, THC Oils, or other cannabinoid products to their clients. Members are advised to direct clients looking for a provider to the client’s primary physician.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: November 26, 2021

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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