
• To provide rules surrounding campaigning by nominees during the campaign period leading up to the election for Board Positions at the Annual General Meeting.


1. The campaign period shall run from the publication of accepted nominees, which occurs not less than 21 days prior to the AGM, until the start of the AGM. Outside of this period no campaigning for a Board position is to take place.

2. The CMMOTA Administration shall, in accordance with CMMOTA’s Annual General Meeting – Pre-meeting Requirements – Administration document, publish the following information free of charge to the membership on behalf of the accepted nominees:

a. A list of the accepted nominees for each position in alphabetical order; and

b. A copy of each nominee’s biographical information from their nomination form.

3. All funds used for campaigning must come from the nominee. Each nominee may spend no more than $1500 on their campaign. Campaign costs include:

a. Promotional Items (such as pens, flags, or buttons)

b. Signage

c. Communication Costs

d. Any other related cost.

4. Fundraising for campaigns is not allowed.

5. Each nominee will be provided with an opportunity to speak for up to 3 minutes at the AGM immediately prior to the election for their position. The order for speaking will be determined by draw before the start of the AGM. If the nominee is unable to attend the meeting in person or if they so choose, they may provide a video, no longer than 3 minutes in length to be played in place of an in-person speech.

6. Negative style campaigning shall not be permitted, and may result in disciplinary action against the member, including removal of their name from the ballot, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

7. Each nominee may provide two posts per week to the CMMOTA Members Only Page on Facebook. All posts will be vetted for approval by Administration. Any posts which violate the rules stated on the CMMOTA Members Only Page will not be published.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: August 19, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: June 20, 2022

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