• This is for those who have provided Peer Review for an article pertaining to massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy for a Peer Reviewed Journal publication.
• A letter as described below must be submitted annually in order to receive the CEC’s.
• Member’s, please have the journal editor or contact person provide a letter on their official letterhead containing the following information to info@cmmota.com or by regular mail to #300, 2965 Bremner Ave, Red Deer, AB T4R 1S2:
o Peer Reviewer’s Name
o Number of articles reviewed during the given year.
o Signed by Authorized Official
• Serving as a Peer Reviewer for an article pertaining to massage therapy or manual osteopathic therapy for a Peer Reviewed Journal publication.
CEC Award:
• 1 credit per article reviewed to a maximum of 6 CEC per year, to a maximum of 18 CEC per cycle.
Date Last Updated: June 1, 2023
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