How should I write my receipts: 

While each health care insurance provider does from time to time do a  random check of information, often the reason for this request is because  

something is either missing on the receipt, or there is a difference between  the information that is provided on the receipt and the information that we  

have on file for you that we regularly provide to the health insurance  companies. It is important to note that if you change locations or have  

multiple business locations that updating your information through your  membership portal on the website will help to reduce the number of times  

this occurs. 

To aid in reducing the number of these requests we would like to remind you  of several things that are important to include on your receipts. Below is a  

list, as well as an example of what should be included on the receipt: 

  • Therapists Name followed by educational credentials (e.g. BA, BSc., MT,  

DOMP, MOT, OMT, etc) 

  • Therapists Association Number in Correct Format (CMMOTA – RMT#XXXX  


  • Therapists Place of Business (if applicable) 
  • Address of Business 
  • Phone Number of Business 
  • GST # (if applicable)  
  • Date Receipt was Issued with Receipt Number 
  • Name and mailing address of Client 
  • Service(s) Provided including time and cost 
  • Payment Method 

Example 1 – RMT Receipt 

John Smitty, B.Sc., MT, DOMP Date: June  

31, 2099

CMMOTA -RMT#9999 Receipt  

Number: 9876 

Alberta Relaxation Massage & Spa 

1234 Banff Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 1P7 

(403)123-4567 GST No. 1234567RT0015 

Services Provided for: 

Bob Jones 

665 River Beach Crescent, Red Deer, AB T2P 7K8 

90 Minutes Massage Therapy Treatment  


GST @ 5% ………………………………………………………………………………………………………$  




Paid by: CASH 

Example 2 – MOT Receipt 

Susan Smitty, B.Sc., MT, OMT Date: June  31, 2099 

CMMOTA -MOT#999999 Receipt Number:  1234 

Alberta Relaxation Massage & Spa 

1234 Banff Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 1P7 

(403)123-4567 GST No. 1234567RT0015 

Services Provided for: 

Bob Jones 

665 River Beach Crescent, Red Deer, AB T2P 7K8 

90 Minutes Manual Osteopathic Therapy Treatment  


GST @ 5% …………………………………………………………………………………………………….$  10.00 


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..$210.00 Paid by: CASH


If your receipts are missing any of this vital information, please update your  

receipting methods. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 


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