- You will want to contact the city or town office you are residing in to see if
your city requires a business license.
o If you are located in the City of Edmonton, please click here to view our Information Bulletin regarding the City Of Edmonton
Online Licensing And Renewal For Health Enhancement Practitioners.
- You will also want to share with us your new business location and business name so that we can add that information into your membership
profile. Remember this business information is available to the public when searched up on Find a Therapist
- You will also want to update any insurance billing portals with this information so that when your clients start to submit their claims, that
they will be reimbursed
- Become a member of CMMOTA’s Member’s Only Facebook page and connect with your peers. They are the experts
There is some excellent information provided to our members in a recent information session. You can access the information sessions through your
CMMOTA profile.