We love providing services to our members! From answering your questions about best practices, our CMMOTA Partner Perks, helping you with questions about CEC’s or direct billing problems that you are encountering, or whatever your questions or concerns happen to be, our CMMOTA Team is here for you!

When you call the office, please know that at times the phones do get busy – if you get our voicemail message it is likely because we are on the phone with another member, in which case please leave us a message and we will get back to you in a timely manner.

Also, please be sure to treat our staff with the utmost of respect. In the past there have been instances where members of our staff has been on the receiving end of verbal abuse. This is unacceptable behaviour and may result in the offender facing disciplinary action. Remember our staff members are here to help you through whatever concerns you may have, so please treat them with the kindness and dignity you expect to be greeted with.

When you email the office, please know that we process a high volume of email each day (the stat from 2023 was one email thread every 2 minutes and 10 seconds). We know that getting a response from us is important, and we strive to respond to each email that we receive within 1 business day. As such we would kindly ask that you wait for us to respond to your inquiries, rather than sending the same email multiple times within a 24-hour period. If you are emailing us on the weekend we will be unable to answer until the following business day. If you have not received a response to an email that you think that you have sent us within that amount of time, then we would kindly ask you to resend it, as perhaps you entered our address incorrectly when contacting us or it otherwise somehow got lost in the internet ethos.

If you have sent us a payment to our payments@cmmota.com email address and have not received a notification from your bank that the payment has been accepted, please email us, as you may have entered the email address incorrectly. During the busy renewal season (October-December) please wait a week before contacting us.

We would also suggest that you take the time to add CMMOTA to your contacts list in your phone and/or on your email server. Our main office email is info@cmmota.com, our office phone number is (403)356-1160, and mailing address is #300, 2965 Bremner Ave., Red Deer, AB, T4R 1S2.

We value every one of the Associations members and remain committed to providing the best level of customer service offered in the industry.