All Spa Therapist members of the CMMOTA are required to:
- not hold membership in a provincially legislated College of Massage Therapy within the jurisdiction in which they practice
- practice within one of the following regulated Provinces of Canada: British Columbia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island.
- pay their annual membership renewal fees in full on or before the renewal deadline of December 31.
- attend at least 1 Annual General Meeting per 3-year Continuing Education Credit (“CEC”) Cycle, or pay the fee specified in the current Fee Schedule.
- maintain valid Standard First Aid and Level C CPR. Online courses are not acceptable.
- complete the required Continuing Education Credits during each 3-year cycle – see CEC Policy; see submission cycle below.
- maintain a current Vulnerable Sector Check. Online checks are not acceptable unless completed through a recognized police service.
- comply with the CMMOTA Policies and Procedures, CMMOTA Standard of Practice for Massage Therapists, CMMOTA Spa Therapist Scope of Practice, and CMMOTA Code of Ethics .
- maintain insurance coverage through the Association’s broker, or an alternative broker if so required.
- maintain a current Annual Declaration form.
- not hold membership in any other Massage Therapist Association, as defined in the CMMOTA Bylaws
- if required, provide, and maintain a current work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada permitting the member to practice Massage Therapy