The SAS research and development began in March of 2020. This initial stage, Phase 1, of SAS involved extensive research of national associations, international associations and existing standards of MOT educational programs from around the world. Time was also dedicated to exploring a spectrum of diverse curricular approval processes for numerous educational institutions, including university and college programs, both private and public operated.
Information was accumulated while the present-day Canadian MOT educational program’s needs, downfalls and challenges were considered. The accumulated information was examined to best determine which information would pertain and be applicable for Canadian practicing MOT’s and MOT educational programs.
The next step of Phase 1 was the development of the two main SAS documents, the Benchmarks and Deliverables. The Benchmarks and Deliverables are the tools MOT educational programs will be utilized to complete the CMMOTA SAS process. These extensive documents took several months to formulate before they were shared with two Canadian MOT Subject Matter Experts to review and offer their considerations as well as feedback.
Once Phase 1 research and development were complete, the SAS Phase 2 was commenced. Phase 2 involved taking the foundations of Phase 1 and began to add to the base:
- Building the CMMOTA SAS web page
- Creating online ‘user-friendly’ versions of the Benchmarks and Deliverables
- Working alongside 4 MOT ‘Pilot’ schools to test-run the SAS, and make improvements as indicated
With Phase 2 finalized the CMMOTA SAS is now welcoming MOT educational programs from across Canada to apply! Contact CMMOTA for any questions, each MOT educational program will have the support of the CMMOTA team along the way.