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CMMOTA Info Session: Working with Grieving Clients with special guest Tanya Thomlinson

Monday February 24, 2025, 9 AM to 10 AM Mountain Time

Webinar via Zoom

Do you work with clients/patients who are grieving? (Hint: the answer is YES!)

We all know that grief can occur following the loss of a loved one. But did you know that we can, and do, grieve many types of losses – not just death-related losses? So, it’s safe to say that we are ALL working with clients/patients who are grieving; they just may not have chosen to share that with us. There are many reasons why they may not share that information, and one of the main ones is safety: they just may not feel safe and comfortable sharing the vulnerability that grief can bring. Instead, they “mask” and pretend they’re fine, even if they aren’t. In the treatment room, that can mean they aren’t able to fully relax into their session and the work you’re doing.

What does grief look like? How does it affect a person’s body, brain, and emotions? And how can we as manual therapists provide a treatment experience that is sensitive to the unique needs of grieving people?

Join Tanya Thomlinson, RMT and Grief Educator, for a 45-minute teaching session that will provide information about grief, and how you can make small changes to your practice to enable your grieving clients to feel more comfortable and authentic in the treatment space.

Registering to attend this FREE Member Only event is as simple as clicking on this link

And remember, members can earn 1 CEC for attending this live event and completing the post event survey linked provided during the session within 48 hrs. For more information on earning CEC’s by attending live Info Session events please click here.