
• To establish guidelines and expectations for administration and members surrounding the cancellation of membership.


1. There are two different types of membership cancellation:

a. Voluntary Withdrawal of Membership

i. This is detailed in the CMMOTA Member Initiated Membership Cancellation Policy

b. Cancellation as a result of Disciplinary Action

2. When a membership is cancelled voluntarily, no membership cancellation notice shall be sent.

3. When a membership is cancelled because of disciplinary action, a membership cancellation notice shall be sent by Administration to the member to the last known email address of the member within two business days and by phone call to the last known phone number of the member within five business days.

a. The email notice shall include the following:

i. The date that the membership cancellation is effective.

ii. The reason(s) that the membership is being cancelled.

iii. Notice of any outstanding items which would need to be completed in order for membership to be re-instated including:

1. The number of outstanding CEC credits.

a. This only applies if the cancelled member is cancelled as a result of disciplinary action, or if they voluntarily cancel their membership in the final 3 months of a CEC cycle.

2. First Aid and Level C CPR certification (provide date of expiry)

3. Notice that if membership reinstatement occurs more than 90 days from the date of cancellation that a current Vulnerable Sector Check will be required for reinstatement.

4. A list of any unpaid fees.

5. Any additional conditions for reinstatement as a result of disciplinary action.

6. A notice of whether a reinstatement fee would apply.

b. The phone call notice shall include:

i. The date that the membership cancellation is effective.

ii. The reason(s) that the membership is being cancelled.

iii. Advising the person that additional information surrounding the membership cancellation has been sent by email.

4. A copy of the membership cancellation notice shall be included in the cancelled member’s paper file.

5. Administration shall notify all necessary third parties of the cancellation of membership.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: November 26, 2021

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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