Click Here to access the Members Policy and Procedure Handbook.
Below we have outlined changes and additions or deletions to our policy handbook since the January 1, 2025 Edition. All of the changes in these policies are policy amendments which were approved at the January 21, 2025 Board of Directors Meeting. All Policy changes contained within this edition of the member handbook will come into effect today, February 3, 2025.
The Board has made amendments to the following Standards of Practice:
• CMMOTA Standards of Practice for Massage Therapists and Spa Therapists
o Updated the definition of massage therapy.
o Changed the words examine and examination throughout the document to assess and assessment.
o Updated the document to reflect the division of Massage Therapist Modalities and Spa Therapist Modalities, as well as the division of Scope of Practice for both Massage Therapist and Spa Therapist.
o Updated language for better readability.
o Added additional language surrounding Health Insurance billing.
o Added “in a timely manner” in reference to completion of treatment notes and charting.
o Added a statement regarding in-ear devices.
o Replaced the word “prescribed” throughout the document.
o Updated reference information to end notes.
The Board has made amendments to the following policies:
• Client Records, Charting, and Treatment Notes Policy
o Added the requirement to document the date on which a treatment note was completed under item
o Added the requirement to add signature or initials of the therapist to the treatment note under item 2.f.vii.
o Changed the requirement of completion of treatment notes from “within 24 hours” to “within a timely manner” under item 4
o Changed language in items 7 and 8 surrounding the assignment and responsibility for maintenance of record to a custodian of the record when transferring record maintenance or custodianship to a third party. Also updated language in the same regard in item 11.
o Added item 14.a. which clarifies that the therapist is responsible when leaving a clinic to ensure that their clients know where they can access their record(s) of treatment.
• Continuing Education Credits Course Approvals Policy
o Removed reference to sections of Appendix 19 and 34 which had been removed from those documents.
• Establishment of a Disciplinary Committee Policy
o Updated language surrounding annual training under item 7.a.
o Updated language in 7.c. to make it clear that it was a Disciplinary Hearing.
o Updated language in 8.a. to reflect that the training does not require attendance of the whole committee but does need to be completed on an annual basis by each committee member.
• Manual Osteopathic Therapist Receipting for Services and or Products Policy
o Updated language throughout the policy from “must not” to “if possible, should not” in reference to areas where the policy previously prohibited the use of a CMMOTA membership number in reflection of the inability of some software to allow therapists the ability to change specific information on receipts provided through the software.
• Massage Therapist Receipting for Services and or Products Policy
o Updated language throughout the policy from “must not” to “if possible, should not” in reference to areas where the policy previously prohibited the use of a CMMOTA membership number in reflection of the inability of some software to allow therapists the ability to change specific information on receipts provided through the software.
o Changed Associate Membership Number from CMMOTA – SMT#XXXX to “CMMOTA Student#XXXX” under item 15.b.
• Membership Requirement – Annual Declaration Policy
o Removed reference to procedure.
o Added item 1.a. which exempts members who join after September 30 from completing an Annual Declaration until the next calendar year. This was implemented because members who join between October 1 and December 31 are required to pay their renewal fee at the time of joining the Association, and so are not sent the same renewal information as all other members, and their information is current.
• Membership Requirement – Vulnerable Sector Check Policy
o Removed reference to procedure
o Added Definitions
o Revised the layout of the entire policy and updated language where applicable for better readability.
The Executive Director has made amendments to the following appendix:
• Appendix 23: Course Developer CEC Course Evaluation Form
o Updated to request social media information to allow for CMMOTA posting and tagging of approved courses on CMMOTA Social Media outlets once a course received CEC approval as a value added benefit to course developers.
The Executive Director has established the following appendix:
• Appendix 8: CMMOTA Confidentiality Agreement Re Membership Participation Complaints and Disciplinary Process
o This has been established as a new confidentiality agreement for Disciplinary Committee members specific to their roles and exposure to confidential information surrounding complaints.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these policies, please contact the office directly at