What is the difference between an Osteopath and Manual Osteopathic Therapist or Osteopathic Manual Therapist?

2024-09-26T12:10:19-06:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: |

This depends on the specific province/territory in which a therapist is practicing. In the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Ontario the term “Osteopath” is a protected title and refers to a Medical Doctor that has specialized training in Osteopath Therapy. In these 4 provinces the title is protected by their respective College of Physicians and Surgeons. There are currently no schools in Canada that provide this specialized training, rather most of these Medical Osteopaths are trained in the United States. In these provinces those trained in osteopathic manual therapy are referred to as Manual Osteopathic Therapists, Osteopathic Manual Therapists, [...]

What are the educational requirements for Manual Osteopathic Therapists that CMMOTA accepts for Membership?

2024-09-26T12:19:37-06:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: |

The benchmark for training in Manual Osteopathic Therapy has already been set by The World Health Organization - https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241599665 and is the standard which CMMOTA holds to. In specific regard to our organization’s acceptance of Manual Osteopathic Therapists, all MOT members must have either completed a Type 1 program with a minimum of 4200 hours of instruction including 1000 hours of supervised practicum training from an approved school OR have completed a Type 2 program with a minimum of 1000 hours of instruction at an approved school. Additionally for those graduates of a Type 2 program, the Association requires a completed [...]

What is Manual Osteopathic Therapy?

2024-06-21T09:38:27-06:00June 21st, 2024|Categories: |

Manual Osteopathic Therapy is a gentle non-invasive hands-on therapy that focuses on bringing the body’s structure and function back to a state of whole-body optimal health. Through extensive intake notes and various hands-on assessments dysfunctional patterns are recognized that reside in the body causing structural and functional disruptions that may present as pain or dis-ease in the body. These disruptions are treated through various techniques. These may include Muscle Energy Techniques to balance musculoskeletal restrictions (skeletal and muscle), joint and fascial mobilizations aiding in releasing “stuck joints” by engaging with soft tissues and fascial manipulation that help increase range of motion [...]

How do I find out how many continuing education credits (CEC’s) a course is worth?

2024-12-05T11:29:41-07:00October 3rd, 2023|Categories: |

You can refer to the “Credit Guidelines” on the website, if you are a member fill out an Appendix 22 – Member CEC Course Evaluation Form and submit it, or if you are course developer fill out an Appendix 23 – Course Developer CEC Course Evaluation Form and submit it.If you have questions about whether a course has been previously approved please inquire by email to info@cmmota.com. If the course has not been approved, we may ask for additional information in order to evaluate it.

When are Membership Renewal fees due every year?

2024-06-21T09:20:33-06:00October 3rd, 2023|Categories: |

Membership and insurance renewal fees are due by December 31 each year. Both membership and insurance renewal fees are payable directly to the Association.*  *If you reside in Quebec – your membership renewal invoice will not include basic professional liability insurance. You are responsible to pay your insurance broker directly for your insurance and provide a copy of your insurance certificate directly to the Association as part of the renewal process.  

Will accepting Manual Osteopathic Therapists into our organization have any affect or hinder our efforts regarding advocating for Massage Therapy Regulation?

2024-06-21T09:35:43-06:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: |

No, it will not have any affect or hindrance on the move towards Massage Therapy Regulation in the province of Alberta or elsewhere. This is because it is its own profession. As an association, the CMMOTA remains committed to seeing provincial regulation of the profession of Massage Therapy move forward in the remaining 5 Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Quebec. This includes remaining invested in the Transitional Council for the College of Massage Therapy of Alberta, as well as both the Alberta and Saskatchewan Working Groups. Our board strongly believes that by working together with the other associations [...]

What takes place at an AGM?

2024-06-21T08:44:00-06:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: |

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held virtually, providing a convenient platform for members to engage with board members including the President, and voice their opinions. During the AGM, we discuss proposed changes to policies or bylaws and outline the future direction of the Association. Remember, attending at least one AGM every three years is mandatory. You will earn 4 credits for each meeting you attend. If your membership type requires attendance and you fail to attend an AGM within the three-year cycle, you will need to pay an AGM-Fee-In Lieu, in accordance with the CMMOTA Fee Schedule, which must be [...]

How do I update my contact information with the CMMOTA?

2022-05-11T10:02:05-06:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: |

By logging in to your Member Profile and editing your information. There are fields that you will not be able to access that only the CMMOTA can see. Be sure to click “Save” when you are done. The modalities that you specialize in are only reflected if you have sent in a certificate of completion for the corresponding course.

What is the three year continuing education submission cycle?

2025-01-02T11:57:43-07:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: |

The current 3 year period is from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027. This period is the same for all members. The submission deadline for continuing education credits is December 31, 2027. All members are responsible for completing credits and for submitting proof of same within the required timeline. The courses must have been taken within the current submission cycle. For example courses taken in the year 2024 or prior would not count for credits. The required CE credits are prorated depending on your effective date for becoming a Full member: Membership Effective Date Credits Required Attend at least 1 [...]

What is the difference between a Massage Student, Associate, and Full member?

2022-05-11T09:57:08-06:00May 11th, 2022|Categories: |

A Massage Therapy Student member is someone who is currently enrolled in their first year or second year. An Massage Therapy Associate member is someone who has completed first year and is continuing their education to obtain a minimum of a 2200 hour diploma. A Full Massage Therapist, Spa Therapist, or Registered Massage Therapist member has completed a 2200 hour program AND submitted all necessary documentation to the CMMOTA required to obtain and maintain their membership with the Association.


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