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So far Heather Goddard has created 95 blog entries.

How to Access Past CMMOTA Info Sessions

2025-01-28T11:04:49-07:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

So, you want to know how you can access past CMMOTA Info Session recordings! We are glad to share how you can access this valuable information that is available for free for all CMMOTA members. While there is no continuing education credit available for watching past sessions, they still contain valuable information that you can access at no charge! STEP 1: You need to login to your membership profile. You can get this process started by clicking on this link. STEP 2: Once you have successfully entered your login information the next step will depend on whether you are on a [...]

Stand-Alone Treatments and Proper Receipting Procedures

2025-01-28T12:58:14-07:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

In the past we have had numerous questions from members surrounding what is meant by Stand-Alone treatments, and how receipts are supposed to be written when a stand-alone treatment is provided to a client. You could say it is one of our top FAQ’s. It is important to note here that Spa Therapists do not have to worry about using stand-alone treatments as the current CMMOTA Spa Therapist Receipting for Services and or Products Policy no longer requires differential receipting for stand-alone treatments. For Massage or Manual Osteopathic Therapists, a Stand-Alone treatment occurs when a singular modality listed under the Additional [...]

What is a Treatment Plan and Why is it Important

2025-01-28T12:37:24-07:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Blog|

A treatment plan is a therapist's plan for care, developed in consultation with the client, for either a single session or multiple treatments. It is based on the client’s health history, input, and both pre-treatment and in-treatment assessments. The plan should be included in the client’s written treatment notes, with any updates or progress documented during multiple sessions.Treatment plans are essential because they explain the “why” and “how” of the treatment, showing the therapist’s due diligence in meeting the client’s needs. Health insurance companies often review treatment plans during audits. Failure to include a plan in a client’s records could lead [...]

Defining Billing Privileges, Direct Billing, Online Billing, and Receipt Submission

2025-01-28T11:55:17-07:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Over the years, we have had a few questions surrounding billing privileges, direct billing, online billing, and receipt submissions. As this is an incredibly important part of having a successful massage therapy/manual osteopathic practice, and as fraud can have a long lasting impact on a therapist, this information is meant to make you aware of the definitions of each of these phrases, what they mean to your practice, and how you can prevent being the victim of fraudulent acts committed on your behalf, which you could be monetarily liable for should they occur. Let’s start by defining each of these phrases. [...]

Firing/Dismissing a Client

2025-01-28T11:15:18-07:00January 27th, 2025|Categories: Blog|

Most therapists are faced with this part of the job at some point in their career. There are a multitude of reasons that you may have for dismissing a client. Some examples may be continued no shows, inappropriate behaviour in the treatment room, a client who fails to do their part in assigned home care, or very simply not seeing results from the treatment that you provide. No matter what the case may be, when firing/dismissing a client, it is important that the therapist clearly convey to the client the reasons for asking them to seek their treatment from another [...]

What You Need to Know About Cell Phones in Treatment Rooms

2025-01-28T11:32:28-07:00January 21st, 2025|Categories: Blog|

Cell phones are a very important tool that a massage or manual osteopathic therapist can leverage in their practice. They can prove to be extremely helpful in being able to access information (like that treatment technique you learned at the course last week), to book client appointments, or to use an app for maintaining your client records or for providing receipts. Many therapists use them as a source for the relaxing music that helps set a great environment within the treatment space…. But did you know that bringing a cell phone into a treatment area could land you in serious breach [...]

How Much Should I Charge for Client Records?

2024-11-27T08:39:36-07:00November 1st, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

When it comes to answering the question “How much should I charge for Client Records?” there are several factors that you need to consider. First and foremost, every therapist has to remember that under no circumstance should you release a copy of anything contained within a client’s record without either the expressed written consent of the client OR an order from the court. You can find an example of a client record release form here – by all means feel free to adapt this document for your own use. The first thing to consider when it comes to what you can [...]

When Can You Refuse Treatment?

2025-01-09T13:40:49-07:00October 24th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

When Can You Refuse Treatment? This is a question that has been asked many times over the years. Recently CMMOTA drafted a new Anti-Discrimination Policy and updated our Standards of Practice documents for Massage Therapists. Given some recent conversations and incidents which have occurred we wanted to draw your attention to these documents and make it very clear when you can refuse to treat a client. There are only six acceptable reasons to stop or refuse to provide treatment. They center around the safety of persons, the willingness of the client to be draped, and the ability of the client to [...]

Have You Done a Google Search?

2025-01-30T13:22:43-07:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Every so often we get questions from concerned members about their information being listed on a random website. There are many different web page designers out there who mine data from places like the Yellow Pages, Facebook, Google Search, Instagram, X, and other sites in an attempt to bring traffic to their particular page. While many times these sites have no harmful intent, there are times where unscrupulous individuals will add a therapist’s information to their “illicit massage” sites. One way that you can be aware of and can combat this type of information sharing, if it is of concern to [...]

Membership Requirements and Professional Responsibility

2025-01-30T16:53:36-07:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

It’s a term that makes the blood of some run cold, for others it is no big deal. The acronym commonly used is DTR. It comes up in every relationship sooner or later and seeing as we are coming close to the end of the third year of the CEC cycle and the final AGM of the cycle, we thought that perhaps now would be a good time to bring some clarity for our members. It is time for us to define the relationship. As an association we view all our members as professionals. In order to achieve associate or full [...]

What Suspension Means and Why You Don’t Want to Be Suspended

2025-01-30T16:57:54-07:00October 17th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

We all know that there are membership requirements that CMMOTA members are responsible to meet. These include keeping your Standard First Aid and Level “C” CPR certification up to date, keeping your Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) information current, and to provide new VSC information to the association prior to the 3-year anniversary of your previous VSC (or more often if you practice in Nova Scotia) and completing your CEC requirements before the end of the current CEC Cycle (December 31, 2024 is approaching fast!!). It also includes making sure that you pay your membership and insurance renewal fees before the December [...]

Legal Guard – CMMOTA Member Access to Legal Advice

2024-12-11T16:56:29-07:00October 10th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Legal Guard® Information Service is a support that is provided to CMMOTA members through the professional liability insurance package that is obtained through our CMMOTA insurance broker. Legal Guard® provides the following services: 24/7 telephone access to a legal information service for questions you have relating to your business Unlimited access – use the service as often as you want Legal information will be provided by qualified lawyers in response to your questions If you need full legal representation or advice, a referral to a local lawyer can be arranged at preferred rates. So, the next time that you have a [...]

It’s that Season Again: 2025 Steps to Renewal

2025-01-30T17:09:13-07:00October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

The renewal deadline for 2025 Membership is December 31, 2024. There are five things that you need to do this year in order to complete the renewal process: 1. Pay your membership fees to the Association. Fees for membership renewal will be sent to your email inbox by October 15, 2024. 2025 Membership Renewal Invoices will be delivered to all members via email before October 15, 2024. Members whose membership activation date is between October 15, 2024 and December 31, 2024 will not receive a membership renewal invoice, as your 2025 membership fees were required to be paid when joining the [...]

2025 Membership Renewal Fees set by the Board of Directors

2024-10-03T15:48:37-06:00October 3rd, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

On September 19, 2024, the Board of Directors established the 2025 Membership Renewal Fees. These fees include both the Annual Membership + the basic Professional Liability Insurance Renewal. For those members who live in Quebec please note that your renewal invoice will not include the insurance renewal premium as members in those provinces must pay their premiums directly to their insurance provider.  Here are the renewal fees for 2025: 2025 Membership Renewal Fees (includes cost of base professional liability insurance) Membership Type Cost (Membership fee + insurance fee) Student Massage Therapist with Optional Insurance $112 ($0 + $112) Student Manual Osteopathic [...]

September 30, 2024 Membership Policy & Procedure Handbook Update

2024-09-26T13:37:23-06:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

September 30, 2024 Dear Members, Here is the link to the September 20, 2024 Edition of the Members Policy and Procedure Handbook - https://cmmota.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Members-Policy-and-Procedure-Handbook-September-20-2024-Edition.pdf Below we have outlined changes and additions or deletions to our policy handbook since the May 30, 2024 Edition. All of the changes in these policies are policy amendments or additions which were approved at the September 19 & 20, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting. All Policy changes contained within this edition of the member handbook will come into effect today, September 30, 2024. The Board has adopted the following new policies: Discipline for Complaints Policy This [...]

Buyer’s Beware! – Things to Know about CEC Courses

2024-12-11T17:16:13-07:00September 26th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

As we enter the first year of our CEC cycle, we know that many of you are gearing up to get your CEC’s completed well before the December 31, 2027 deadline. As you look for new continuing education opportunities, we do want to make you aware of a couple of trends that we have noticed regarding course offerings that are available, and to provide you with an easy way to find out if a course has previously been approved for CECs by CMMOTA. First, for those who are taking courses which originate outside of Canada, you need to be aware that [...]

Where Can I Find It Again?

2024-11-28T12:19:21-07:00September 21st, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Have you ever wondered where you can find things like back issues of the Knead to Know, or editable word documents for sample forms contained in the appendices of the Membership Policy and Procedure Handbook, or…? The answer - CMMOTA Resources, which is part of your membership profile, and the content contained there continues to grow! In addition to links to back issues of the CMMOTA Knead to Know, we have added additional resources for our members, including things like modality definitions, commonly sought out policy documents, common editable samples of forms like client intake or treatment notes, partner perks information, [...]

What NOT to do When You Have Been Sexually Harassed

2025-01-09T10:53:24-07:00September 21st, 2024|Categories: Blog|

It is incredibly unfortunate that sexual harassment is so prevalent within the massage therapy industry. If you have experienced this, please know that you are not alone, and that what has happened to you is not your fault. We know that for many who experience this firsthand it can be traumatizing, and leave you feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed, unsafe, angry, frustrated, afraid, and a wide range of other feelings and emotions.Sexual harassment is any unwanted comment, gesture, or action that is sexual in nature (aside from unwanted touching of sexual body parts, which is sexual assault), that makes someone feel afraid, [...]

How to Submit a CEC for Review

2024-12-11T17:28:10-07:00September 12th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Submitting a course for CEC review has never been easier. There are two ways that you can submit a CEC for review. If you have completed the course, you can log into your CMMOTA Member Profile by Clicking Here. Once you have logged in, if you are one a computer click on the CEC button on the left side of your screen, or if you are on your phone or tablet click on the three bar menu, and select the CEC button. This will open the CEC portion of your member profile. There on the right side of the screen [...]

What You Need to Know About In House Training and Professional Liability Coverage

2024-09-13T12:44:36-06:00September 12th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

It has come to our attention that some clinics are providing in-house training for modalities (hot stone, cupping, spa esthetics, etc.) or use of certain equipment (laser therapy, ultrasound, etc.).  Therapists need to be aware that regardless of where you may receive your training, unless you have training that has been recognized by your professional liability insurance company, your professional liability insurance may not cover you for use of unrecognized training or use of certain equipment. In such an instance, any liability for damages or accidental injury of a client that may be caused by providing such treatment would fall completely [...]

Sexual Harassment – Steps to Take Before, and if Something Occurs

2025-01-09T10:56:45-07:00September 12th, 2024|Categories: Blog|

If you have been a therapist for long, you have probably heard about the client who asks for a massage of a sexual nature. We wish that this was not something that we needed to write about, but over the last number of years we have seen a consistent rise in reports coming back to the office and asking what the therapist should do. If this has happened to you, first of all we want you to know that we are sorry that you had to experience such a horrible thing. Know you are not alone, and that you will get [...]

Submit Your Continuing Education Certificates ‘cause It’s Important!

2024-11-28T12:28:45-07:00September 5th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

Do you have continuing education certificates that you have never submitted to the Association? We want to make you aware that it is incredibly important to provide all your continuing education certificates to us even if you do not need the Continuing Education Credits. Why? The reason why it is important, is because it triggers getting those courses being sent to the insurer for approval/recognition, which in turn, if the course is accepted as sufficient to allow you to practice a modality, then that modality can be added to your insurance dossier.Without having prior approval from the professional liability insurance company [...]

Is Your Business Info Up to Date?

2024-11-28T12:56:58-07:00September 5th, 2024|Categories: Therapist Info & Tips|

We understand that life often changes, and that one of those changes that many experience is a change in your workplace. Whether you have recently changed workplaces, or perhaps added a new location that you are providing treatment from, it is incredibly important to remember to share that information. First – If you provide direct billing services it is important to register any new treatment locations with the various direct billing portals. Likewise, if you are no longer providing treatments from a place, it is important to have those portals remove that information as well, as a method of fraud prevention. [...]


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