• To provide policy surrounding CMMOTA Bylaw 5.3.1..
1. The Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association shall be held no later than July 31st of each year.
a. The only exception to this requirement is if the requirement under Alberta law is suspended for any reason as determined by either the Provincial or Federal government bodies.
2. The Annual General Meeting may be held either in person, or by virtual conferencing, or a combination of both.
3. The meeting must be hosted within the Province of Alberta.
4. At a minimum, the following items must be presented at an Annual General Meeting, in keeping with the requirements laid out in section 25 of the Societies Act of the province of Alberta, and with the requirements laid out in CMMOTA Bylaw 5.3.3.:
a. Agenda; and
b. Audited Financial Statement from the prior Fiscal Year; and
c. List of nominees for the Directors and positions on the Board, including their biographical information and resumes; and
i. Guidelines for the nomination process are laid out in Board of Directors Nominations Policy
d. Minutes from the previous year’s Annual General Meeting and any Special Meetings of the Membership since the previous Annual General Meeting; and
e. Notice of any Special Resolutions; and
f. Any other documents that may be relevant to the conduct of the Annual General Meeting.
5. Quorum may be obtained through in person or virtual attendance.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: August 19, 2020
Date of Last Policy Revision: September 13, 2023
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