• To establish policy and procedure surrounding the election of Board of Director Positions at a General Meeting in Accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw’s 4.12.1., and 5.4..
1. The election of the Board of Directors shall be conducted during the Annual General Meeting.
2. The election of the Board of Directors shall be conducted by the Executive Director, or a person designated by the Executive Director.
3. Ballots, whether electronic or paper, shall include all positions which have more than one nominee, and shall have the eligible nominees’ names for each position listed in alphabetical order.
4. If there is only one suitable nominee for the position, that nominee shall be declared elected by acclamation.
5. If no suitable nominee for a position has been nominated, then in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 4.12.2., the Board of Directors may, with mutual agreement between the Board and the appointee, appoint a member to serve in that position on an interim basis until the next AGM or a Special Meeting called to elect a nominee for the position, provided that the appointee meets the requirements set out in CMMOTA Bylaw Sections 4.3. and 4.4..
6. The eligible nominee for each position with the most votes cast for them shall be declared elected.
Original Date of Policy Adoption: August 19, 2020
Date of Last Policy Revision: March 5, 2024
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