
• To supply rules of order to conduct an efficient, effective, and orderly Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Membership, while abiding by the Bylaws of the Association.


1. Annual Meeting rules and procedures shall follow any relevant legislation, by-laws, or policy applicable to the CMMOTA.

2. Annual Meetings are open to all Registered Massage Therapist, Full Massage Therapist, Spa Therapist and Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist members of the association in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.4.1.. It is closed to all others unless they are invited by motion of the Board of Directors in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 3.4.2..

3. Quorum must be reached for a meeting to undertake any business or proceed to hear or consider proposals (motions) or resolutions. Quorum for a Special Meeting is set at 15 members who are in good standing in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw Quorum for an Annual General Meeting is set at 15 members who are in good standing in accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 5.5.1..

4. Only Registered Massage Therapist, Full Massage Therapist, Spa Therapist and Full Manual Osteopathic Therapist members are entitled to attend, make motions, speak in debate, and vote at Annual Meetings or Special Meetings of the Association. Other members, or invited guests, who have been invited to attend an Annual Meeting by motion of the Board of Directors shall not be entitled to make motions, to speak in debate, or to vote on any matter presented.

5. Members must identify themselves by name and CMMOTA Member number for motion making or debate.

6. Where Resolutions, Minutes, Agenda, Rules of Order, Financial Statements, or other documents have been provided to members in writing 21 days prior to an Annual General Meeting of the Association, or a Special Meeting of the Association, those records will not be read into the meeting unless a motion is duly made and carried that reading shall occur.

7. In accordance with CMMOTA Bylaw 5.1.1. and 5.1.3., Special Resolutions which are required when Changing the Objects (CMMOTA Bylaw, Amendment of the Bylaws (CMMOTA Bylaw, Providing security for liabilities or debts (CMMOTA Bylaw, Borrowing or securing the payment of funds (CMMOTA Bylaw, Issuing Debentures (CMMOTA Bylaw, Surrendering the Certificate of Incorporation (CMMOTA Bylaw, or Wind-up of dissolution (CMMOTA Bylaw, must be provided to the membership 21 days prior to the meeting in which they are to be addressed. As such special resolutions may not be amended without proper notice (defined as 21 days), and the motion must be brought to question as presented to the membership in the notice of Special Resolution or be deferred to allow time for proper notice to take place. No amending motions which would pertain to items described in CMMOTA Bylaws to may be accepted from the floor.

8. A member wishing to speak on any matter at a meeting must wait to be recognized by the Chair or presiding officer.

9. On each motion a member is entitled to speak twice, and for no longer than three (3) minutes. The motion maker may speak first, before any other member, if the motion maker wishes.

10. Debate must be relevant and related to a pending motion. Voting at an Annual Meeting shall be by a show of hands, or by secret ballot, or as otherwise permitted by law.

11. All votes called at the meeting shall be determined by a simple majority of those members present, and voting, unless a greater vote percentage is required by legislation or the by-laws.

12. Members are responsible for their own internet connectivity and every aspect concerning electronic connection. No action taken, or vote result, is invalid on the grounds that a member’s connectivity failed.

13. Members must observe decorum and avoid personal attacks and disorderly or discourteous behaviors.

14. An Annual Meeting will begin at the Call of the Annual Meeting to Order and end as determined on completion of the Agenda.

15. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (most recent edition – RONR) shall be a source of reference and guide concerning procedural matters at CMMOTA Annual General Meetings or Special Meetings.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: November 23, 2020

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 12, 2022

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