
• To assist the Board of Directors and Administration in preparing for the Annual General Meeting while meeting the requirements set forth in CMMOTA Bylaw 3.4.1., 3.4.2., and 5.3.3.


1. The Board of Directors shall, not less than 22 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, by motion:

a. Set a date, time, and location for the Annual General Meeting; and

b. Establish an invitation list; and

c. Set acceptable methods of attendance; and

d. Approve an Agenda; and

e. Approve Audited Financial Statements from the Prior Fiscal Year for distribution; and

f. Approve a list of nominee(s) together with the nominee(s) provided biographical information for open Board of Director positions; and

g. Approve distribution of unadopted minutes from previous Annual General Meeting(s); and

h. Approve distribution of unadopted minutes from previous Special Meeting(s); and

i. Approve any Notice of Special Resolution(s) to be brought forward at the Annual General Meeting; and

j. Approve any other documents that are deemed relevant to be distributed to the membership in order to conduct the Annual General Meeting.

2. Administration shall distribute the above information to the last known e-mail address of all members not less than 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

3. Administration shall distribute instructions for registration to participate in the Annual General Meeting not less than 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

4. When in the First Year of the CEC-Cycle the Board of Directors shall by motion, not less than 22 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, set the Fee-In-Lieu of AGM Attendance Fee(s) for the 3-Year Cycle.

5. Administration shall publish any changes to the Fee-In-Lieu of AGM Attendance in the CMMOTA Fee Schedule.

Original Date of Policy Adoption: March 5, 2024

Date of Last Policy Revision: September 20, 2024

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